::R5931 : page 226::
NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y.—Aug. 19-22. For assignments address A. Fosbraey, 727 Pine Ave.
NASHVILLE, TENN.—Aug. 24-27. For assignments address Milton E. Confehr, 1516 McGavock St.
LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Sept. 2-10. For assignments address F.P. Sherman, 808 Figueroa St.
SEATTLE, WASH.—Sept. 14-17. For assignments address H.G. Backbock, 2410 First Ave., W.
MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Sept. 16-24. For assignments address C. Hilton Ellison, 2704 Wells St.
DAYTON, O.—October 5-8. For assignments address Dr. Chas. E. Kerney, 475 S. Broadway.
Many of the Railroads sell special Excursion tickets to Niagara Falls. We recommend inquiring of your Ticket Agent respecting Excursion rates before purchasing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company offers a $7.50 excursion rate, round-trip from Pittsburg. Whether other Railroads have a cheaper offer, we do not know. Bible Students going from nearby towns can buy to Pittsburg and there purchase the Excursion ticket mentioned.
All considering attendance at Los Angeles Convention, Sept. 2 to 10, or Seattle Convention, Sept. 14 to 17, or both, are advised to consult W.L. Jones, 4100 Mich. Ave., Chicago.
We learn that amongst Bible Students there is a division of sentiment in respect to some of the newspapers publishing Pastor Russell’s sermons. Surely each person is at liberty to patronize whichever paper he finds most convenient in price, etc., and, in his judgment, most likely to be helpful in scattering the sermons amongst people who are not acquainted with the Truth! Each should consider the Lord’s will in the matter, and each has a perfect right to express his judgment to others. We counsel that all papers publishing the sermons be considered as friendly, and advise that the Brethren in expressing their views use logic and not bitterness, and that the Lord’s will and not personal prejudice shall prevail—”Speaking the Truth in Love.”
The Society’s thought is that the Truth is best served by the encouragement of newspapers which reach large numbers of outside readers.
— August 1, 1916 —
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