::R5355 : page 351::
Read p. 699, par. 3, to p. 703, par. 1.
(12) After the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies, how may we expect the gradual resurrection of the world to proceed? P. 699, par. 3; P. 700, par. 1.
(13) Will it not be necessary for every member of the human race to go down into actual death before experiencing the resurrection? P. 700, par. 2; P. 701, par. 1.
(14) What reasonable suggestion has been made respecting the manner in which those of the world who have gone down into the tomb will be brought forth? P. 701, par. 2.
(15) Explain why the real meaning of the word resurrection has been lost sight of. P. 702, par. 1.
(16) From what Greek word is our English word resurrection derived, and what is its significance in the original? P. 703, par. 1.
Read p. 703, par. 2, to p. 706, par. 2.
(17) Who were the only two human beings that ever possessed life? And how are all the rest of mankind regarded from the Divine standpoint? P. 703, par. 2.
(18) What two conditions must be clearly kept in mind in order to fully appreciate the significance of the word anastasis? P. 704, par. 1.
(19) Is this word anastasis ever used in connection with the mere awakening of the dead? P. 704, par. 2, first seven lines.
(20) What is the popular but erroneous explanation of Hebrews 11:35, and what is the proper interpretation? P. 704, par. 2, 3; P. 705, par. 1.
(21) Does the word anastasis limit the resurrection process, to make it either instantaneous or gradual? Or does anastasis change the nature of the being resurrected? P. 706, par. 1.
(22) What was the experience of our Lord Jesus previous and subsequent to His anastasis, and what is the hope of the Church in this respect? P. 706, par. 2.
Read p. 707 to p. 710 par. 3.
(23) What will anastasis signify in the case of the natural man? and how will the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies differ from that of the rest of mankind? P. 707.
(24) What will be the process of anastasis as respects the Great Company? P. 707, foot note.
(25) Upon what will the anastasis or re-standing of the world as individuals depend? P. 708, par. 1.
(26) What Scripture clearly indicates how this passing from death to life will be accomplished? P. 708, par. 2; P. 709, par. 1.
(27) To whom does the expression, “They that have done good,” apply? And what will be the nature of their resurrection? P. 709, par. 2.
(28) Who are “They that have done evil“? And what kind of resurrection will they experience? P. 710, par. 1 to 3.
Read p. 711, par. 1, to p. 714, par. 2.
(29) Will the world’s trial correspond with the present methods of trying criminals in court? If not, how will it be conducted? P. 711, par. 1, 2.
(30) At what time during the world’s trial will obedience be required, and what will be the experience of those who positively refuse to make progress toward righteousness? P. 712, par. 1.
(31) What is the significance of the Scripture, “They that shall be counted worthy to attain that world and the resurrection”? (Luke 20:35.) P. 712, par. 2.
(32) What would be the disadvantages of an instantaneous resurrection to perfection for the world of mankind? P. 713, par. 1, 2.
(33) Explain the reasonableness, beauty and harmony of the Divine Plan for the world’s resurrection. P. 714, par. 1.
(34) Would it be reasonable to expect the awakened ones to come forth in exactly the same physical condition as when they went into death? P. 714, par. 2.
— November 15, 1913 —
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