R5174-37 Reports From Foreign Branches For 1912

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The figures giving the British Branch Report for the year ending October 31 have been sent to the Office. We trust they duly reached you.

It has been a year of progress in all directions. The chief factor is the devotion of the Colporteurs. In nearly all cases they have considerably increased their sales; and the numbers of the Colporteurs have also increased, through the encouragement they are now getting. We believe there is more work possible in this part of the field than ever. Record sales are being effected. And it is still the case that in places colporteured once or twice the books are as salable as ever. The Volunteer literature has gone out at a rather lower rate than last year, but the Class Extension work has absorbed a good deal of Volunteering energy.

The Class Extension work is proving a great blessing to the brethren as well as to those who have ears to hear. In London both the Tabernacle Congregation and the Forest Gate Church have met with much encouragement. The Class Extension Committee of the Tabernacle report 18 new week-night classes formed during the year through this work, and two existing classes greatly augmented, out of twenty-one series of meetings held—results which are gratifying. These results, we believe, are largely due to a careful following out of the suggestions given in the pamphlet. Other classes also report progress, some good, some not so good, but it is noticeable that the best results follow when the suggestions given are accepted and adhered to. After three Chart Talks and three lectures, with the same brother as chairman through all the meetings, the people are generally found willing to form a class for further study.

The Pilgrim service has been greater this year than any previous year. The visits of the Pilgrims are much appreciated by the classes, who, everywhere, show a desire to use the occasion for a public witness. These meetings, with the Class Extension work, have of necessity proved a considerable tax upon the finances of the brethren, yet the donations to the Tract Fund show an increase. The book-loaning, which has been tried by some classes, has not made much advance during the year. It has been a blessing to those who have engaged in it, and has been used of the Lord in some instances to bring some into the light of the Truth. Especially is this the case in Forest Gate, London. Altogether the outlook is good. People, aroused by the “present distress,” felt both in the Churches

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and in domestic life and politics, are paying more heed to the message of the Truth; they are more ready to listen and to read. The general spreading of our literature and the publication of the sermons are having an effect upon the country, and the evidences are that there are many “open doors” for service awaiting us all. We believe there are splendid opportunities for Colporteur work and Class Extension work awaiting those who have liberty and grace to work while it is yet day. The spiritual health of the classes is good, though, we regret, some of the dear brethren are allowing themselves to be tried by dissensions sowed by the enemy.

We are rejoicing in the privilege of service, and daily we pray for the Lord’s continued blessing upon all the work, both here and abroad, and also upon your own.

Yours in His grace and service,

Executive Committee.


STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES in cloth……………. 96,922
STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES in Karatol, leather, India, and foreign tongues…… 3,955
STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, Vol. I in magazine form…………… 5,220
Total……………………………………… 106,097
Books (Manna, Poems, Manual and Hymnal)……….. 3,224
Booklets…………………………………… 13,592
Grand Total………………………………… 122,913

This shows an increase over the output of last year in STUDIES of 32,338 volumes; in books, of 1,286; whereas there is a loss in the numbers of booklets and Volume I in magazine form.

PAPER…………………………………….. 7,356,869
Tracts…………………………………….. 316,000
WATCH TOWERS on Hell………………………… 53,115
Total……………………………………… 7,725,984

This represents, figured in the usual tract pages, 117,709,904, 1,912,000, and 3,399,360, a total of 123,021,264. Practically a million more copies of PEOPLES PULPIT and EVERYBODY’S PAPER were distributed this year than last.


Letters and cards received…………………… 19,639
Letters and cards sent out…………………… 19,501




We are glad to think that the Report which we have now the pleasure of sending along for the year past will be pleasing to you. We continually realize that what is done is “not by power nor by might, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord,” and that what has been accomplished is through the Lord’s Spirit in His people, energizing them to more and more earnest zeal in His service, and with desire that every grain shall be garnered in this part of the Harvest field.

While we are rejoicing that many have been brought to a knowledge of the Truth during the year, there is still the more pleasing feature, if that is possible, that those who have been longer associated with the Harvest Message have certainly increased their joy in the Lord, their love for the Truth and their appreciation of the means which the Lord has particularly used for bringing these matters to the household of faith. A corresponding increase of zeal is manifest all along the line, and you will notice that the donations to the Tract Fund by way of Good Hopes, etc., have greatly increased, as though the friends had made up their minds to try to meet the expense of the work in this field if possible.

When one thinks of the 724,000 PEOPLES PULPIT and EVERYBODY’S PAPER that have been sent out, mostly by mail, it represents a beautiful amount of patient, steady plodding by those who have been able to do it. Some have written the wrappers by the thousands and sent them to us; while others have been able to wrap the papers for the post; and so the work has gone on. We cannot but think that the Lord will be pleased with the diligent efforts, specially of some, in this matter.

The Colporteurs have had a good year, and there is an increase in the output of volumes over last year of about 33-1/3 per cent.; and although the ground had all been previously gone over, the prospects are still good, and we are glad that some others are endeavoring to so arrange matters as to be able to enter the work even at the eleventh hour. Some of the workers have had specially interesting times and wonderful evidences of the Lord’s favor and guidance and blessing.

We think that it is just possible that some may not be realizing opportunities in this service. Though unable to give all their time, they may be able to spend a few hours a week. There must still be some that need the sealing in their foreheads, for the winds are surely to be let loose when this work is finished. And it always seems to me that it is a wonderful joy to take the Water of Truth to the thirsty soul, to search out the Nathanaels, and get them to “come and see” and realize the presence of Messiah.

Brother Nelson will report on his travels; he seems specially to have been a means of assistance and blessing to the Sydney Class, who undertook to pay his expenses and also co-labored with him in the Extension Work. Their hard work in circulating the numbers of EVERYBODY’S PAPER has been rewarded, not only by blessing on themselves, but by a nice addition of new members to their class.

We believe that the Convention that was held there last Easter was the beginning of better conditions for the Church in Sydney. The Convention at Melbourne takes place at Christmas, and we are looking forward for the best one yet. We hope to be able to report it so. Certainly it was a good one on the last occasion.

There are evidences that the prosperity of this country, which has been so pronounced for the past year or two, has reached its zenith. Among the thoughtful, whether religious or not, there is a general impression that some sort of crisis is being approached and that things cannot continue as they are very long.

We are still hoping that you may come over and help us. The friends have had so much disappointment twice in regard to yourself, and then also in respect to Brother Hollister. We hope that when you do come it will not be for too short a time. We are sure that much good would result, not only in stimulating the friends, but also in appealing to the Christian community generally. While still hoping along this line, we desire that you will join with us and all the dear friends in these parts that the spirit of love and zeal may dwell richly with us all, that the work may go forward to the glory of God.

With Christian love, yours in the service of Christ,



Copies of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES…………… 12,388
” ” ” ” ” ” in magazine
form……………………………………… 666
Copies of booklets………………………….. 1,800
Total……………………………………… 14,854

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Sample WATCH TOWERS, debates, etc…………….. 14,369
Low estimate of sermons in newspapers…………. 3,532,233
Total……………………………………… 4,270,925

These, represented in the usual tract pages, would be about 17,386,176; 1,162,776; 12,144,700 and 30,693,652 respectively.


Letters and cards received…………………… 3,096
Letters and cards dispatched…………………. 4,486




Enclosed please find the Report for the last quarter of our fiscal year and the trial balance sheet for the year. I had the pleasure to be at the Hamburg Convention and took part most of the time—Sister Koetitz accompanying me. The friends enjoyed themselves very much and confessed to having received a great blessing. About seventy took part, half of which number was from a distance. We had a nice hall and sent invitations to the addresses we had received through Colporteurs. There was also a notice in the paper. The result was that on the first and last days of the Convention (being Sunday and a holiday, respectively), more than a hundred strangers attended, and quite a number of these showed considerable interest.

At the first Hamburg meeting after the Convention, eighteen new friends attended. The Convention remembered you kindly and passed a resolution to send you heartfelt greetings and best wishes in the Lord. These Conventions are certainly a great blessing.

Having heard of the resolution on Hell passed by the Washington Convention, the Hamburg Convention wished to go on record, and unanimously adopted it in German translation, voting that it might be sent to the German newspapers and clergy of the Continent. The Hamburger Fremdenblatt reported the matter on the second day following. And other newspapers later.

Now let me give a brief report of the work during the past year. I would mention first the circulation of literature, as follows:

Volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES………….. 11,056
Volume I in TOWER form………………………. 11,230
Various booklets……………………………. 35,555
Regular issue of the German WATCH TOWER (12 numbers)……. 43,200
Sample copies of German WATCH TOWER (12 numbers)……. 24,000
“Hell” TOWERS………………………………. 8,842
PEOPLES PULPIT, EVERYBODY’S PAPER, Yiddish papers and Old Theology tracts…… 2,919,050

The last item, of free literature, together with the above-mentioned sample TOWERS and TOWERS on Hell, represent in tract pages 83,817,600.

These figures include the circulation of nine hundred volumes in the Hollandish, Polish and Hungarian languages, some Polish and Hungarian P. P., and 500,000 Hollandish P. P., sent to Holland, South Africa and America.

Comparing these figures with those of last year, you will find a considerable increase in the number of volumes and booklets circulated. We received 5,886 letters and cards, answering 3,977. About 200 friends were immersed during the year.

As for the general spirit of the friends in the Truth, I consider that it is very good, although it seems that we do not come up to the standard of freedom (from earthly cares), liveliness and success set us by our American brethren in the Harvest Work. However, the Lord knows our hearts and makes allowance for different conditions and circumstances in this country. I feel that the friends may be credited with having done about all that they could, and I am surprised that the net results are so large. And I rejoice, praising the Lord for His blessings which have crowned the efforts of the dear German friends—of Germany, Switzerland, and part of Austria and Russia—with such success. I should mention also with appreciation the encouragement given and the assistance rendered by the German friends in America who have written to us and obtained literature from here.

Your visits in this country were a great inspiration to all who had an opportunity to see and hear you, and we look forward to seeing you soon again if the Lord will. We have entered the new year of our labors, with political and social disturbances upon us and ahead of us, as you are aware from the newspapers. We must gird up the loins of our minds, as the Lord and the Apostles suggest, and be sober and hope to the end, daily, for the favor to be brought unto us finally.

With these brief remarks let me close my this year’s Report, with the happiest greetings to yourself and the Brooklyn Bethel Family, and to all who are in Christ Jesus and one with us in the same hope, from the German Bible House Family, and from your humble brother and fellow-servant in Christ, O. A. KOETITZ.

(Included in the Foregoing)


” ” ” ” Vol. I, in magazine
form……………………………………… 1,391
Booklets…………………………………… 2,303
Copies of WATCH TOWER……………………….. 6,000
EVERYBODY’S PAPER and Tracts…………………. 94,000




By the Lord’s grace we have passed another year in His blessed service, and are now so much the nearer to the end of this Harvest period; and by His favor it is my privilege to send you the Report of the Swedish work for the last fiscal year.

As the following figures will show, the work has been richly blessed of the Lord, and a considerable general increase also is shown this year, although not in every branch, as we would have wished to have it. We have also the very best reasons for our still greater expectations for the year before us. The friends over here realize more and more the importance of the present privileges opened up for us by the present Chief Reaper, and a large part of the “common people” seem to be hungering and thirsting for the Truth as never before. Indeed, we can see how “the field [still] is ripe unto the Harvest”—and more so now than ever.

Our hearts rejoice, while we at the same time feel greatly humbled when we realize some of the mercies shown us in connection with this wonderful time of preparation for the setting up of the Kingdom; and we are most earnestly decided, by the Lord’s help, to be faithful to Him and to His special channel, until the end, using every remaining opportunity in the best way possible.

One of the most remarkable increases is shown in the number of books sold, which is not very far from twice as large as the corresponding figure the preceding year,

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depending, we believe, to a large extent upon the publishing of the new-styled, revised Swedish versions of all the different volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, which also has been done here during the year. The large editions (of 30,000 copies altogether) of the first three volumes published in June this year, have during these few months melted down to such a degree that we have found it wise to already begin the printing of new editions in the same quantities. More than thirty dear brethren and sisters have labored as Colporteurs during the year. A few of these have just recently received the Truth, and have joined in the work with great zeal.

The free distribution of tracts has also increased, as you will see. A large part of the issue of “Eko fran talarstolen“—PEOPLES PULPIT—of which we now regularly print about 150,000 copies every month—has been used in connection with the advertising of public meetings in various parts of the country.

The regular Pilgrim service has been richly blessed and used of the Lord. We have had two General Conventions (the first in Orebro with not less than 500 Truth friends present, and the second in Stockholm—when we had the joy of having you—yourself—in our midst, and had the privilege of listening to your helpful and loving words to us), and a large number of well attended and profitable local Conventions in nearly all parts of the land. Besides this, 81 extra public meetings—of which many were in places where we have never before had any meeting—have been held by myself all over the land during the year.

These extra meetings have had a total attendance of 31,150 adults, which as a rule have given the very closest attention to our presentation of the good Message for fully two hours and more each time. At the close of these meetings, we have sold between two and three thousand volumes of the STUDIES, etc., and we have also in connection with them distributed nearly one-half million “Eko fran talarstolen.” 417,500 of that number have been put in the homes of the people before the meetings, advertising the same, by brethren who voluntarily have given

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their time in this way to serve the Cause we all love so dearly.

The number of subscribers to the Swedish WATCH TOWER has increased by only 142, but we hope it will increase more during the year before us. The voluntary donations to the Tract Fund show again a considerable increase, which is specially remarkable when one considers the limited financial conditions in which most of the friends here live, as well as the fact that a large part of their savings has been used in connection with the hundreds of meetings held all over the country, and of which the expenses have not been reported to us.

We daily commend you, our beloved Pastor, and all your faithful co-laborers everywhere, to the Lord’s grace, and are glad to know that we also are remembered by you.

With much Christian love from ourself, and on behalf of the Swedish Brethren,

Yours in the service of our Redeemer,


Copies STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES circulated 27,780
Vol. 1 in Magazine edition, sold at cost………. 12,650
Total……………………………………… 40,430
Various other books and booklets, MANNA,
TABERNACLE SHADOWS, etc…………………….. 25,557
Total……………………………………… 65,987
Eko fran talarstolen (PEOPLES PULPIT), issued free…….. 753,000
Other free tracts and sample TOWERS…………… 126,036
Total……………………………………… 879,036
Expressed in usual form of tract pages…………14,124,128

Number of subscribers to the Swedish WATCH TOWER…….. 1,881
Old sets Swedish TOWER, cloth-bound and unbound……… 700
Bibles sold………………………………… 109
Number of meetings held under the auspices of the Society…… 1,395
Number of miles traveled in preaching tours……… 73,571
Letters and cards sent out…………………… 5,320
Letters and cards received…………………… 4,118
Total number of various sendings, by mail and by railroad……. 27,567




Number of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and MANNAS sold…… 2,179
Number of booklets sold……………………… 2,069
Total……………………………………… 4,248

Tracts and Norwegian PEOPLES PULPIT distributed……. 123,625
These estimated as tract pages……………….. 1,978,000
Subscriptions to the Norweg. PEOPLES PULPIT…..1,066
Subscriptions to the Dano.-Norweg. WATCH TOWER…….. 265
Letters and cards received…………………… 1,502
Letters and cards sent out…………………… 1,214
Parcels sent out……………………………. 11,598
Number of public meetings……………………. 42
Number of parlor meetings……………………. 148
Number of attendants, approximately…………… 14,500




I hereby submit the Report of the work done in this country, in our endeavor to spread the good tidings of the Kingdom so near at hand. Although the figures are small, yet in one or two branches the work has widened somewhat. More tracts have been distributed than formerly, and although no regular Pilgrim service has been taken up, more work has been done in that line than previously, and both public and private meetings have been held in different parts of the country. Lately we have taken up a work on Sundays, in different towns and places, from which we have been able to get back to Copenhagen the same day. Early on Sunday mornings, some twenty of the friends of the Class here have started out for some such place, and throughout the morning and forenoon they have distributed tracts announcing a public meeting held in the afternoon. These meetings have also been announced in the local papers, and have been well attended. A number of the books have been sold at the close of the meetings, to those who had become interested through the tracts or the meeting. In various places we see indications of spiritual growth amongst the friends, and great joy in the Lord, and in His wonderful Message. We trust that through the Lord’s grace we shall be able to do more in all branches during the next year, and we are very grateful for our privileges in connection with the work.

With Christian love, and best wishes,

Yours in our dear Redeemer,

::R5176 : page 41::


Output of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES…………… 2,938
Output of various booklets…………………… 1,927
Total……………………………………… 4,865

Tracts free………………………………… 234,400
Letters and cards received…………………… 1,125
Letters, cards and parcels sent out…………… 1,125
Copies of Danish WATCH TOWER sent out monthly……. 876




It is our privilege and pleasure to report to you the work as it progresses in this part of the Harvest Field, and our many blessings while sharing in its labors, which are of much value to us in our Christian development and also highly appreciated.

Nearly all our efforts during the past twelve months have met with success, and we believe the dear Lord has signally directed all our services, the dear friends in the main being of one heart and one mind throughout the Island. And in our experiences with the various ecclesias we find them loyal to the Truth and to its source.

There are many becoming interested at this time, and as a whole the Truth is being well established in the Island, although we are putting out more literature in other parts (other islands) at present. Owing to a drouth which has continued in Jamaica for several months, causing a financial strain, and also owing to the fact that the Island has been thoroughly canvassed in the past two years, there is less literature being circulated here; but other points seem to have some virgin soil and additional opportunities for the blessed Truth to spread.

The Colporteurs labor under many difficulties in the West Indies, Colon, etc., and some find it very difficult to meet expenses; however, they are doing good work. As you will observe by the Annual Report, there has been a large number of volumes placed in the hands of readers within the past year, which will undoubtedly serve their purpose in due time.

With much Christian love, I am,

Your brother and fellow-servant in Christ,


Total number STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES sold……. 6,944
” ” ” ” ” ” magazine
form……………………………………… 525
Total number other books sold………………… 1,250
” ” booklets sold…………………… 1,012
Estimated in tract pages…………………….. 5,040,000
Public lectures…………………………….. 27
Estimated total attendance…………………… 9,449
Average attendance………………………….. 350
Semi-public talks and Class Lessons…………… 159
Total attendance……………………………. 5,467
Average attendance………………………….. 35
Letters and cards received…………………… 887
Letters and cards sent………………………. 1,805




I have been anxiously waiting to hear from you. We praise the Lord for the blessed privilege of laying down our lives for the Lord’s cause. The work is spreading rapidly and there are wider scopes for extending the work in different places. In all we have about fifty-odd congregations or Bible Study Classes now, and we must have some teachers in each of these places. Then only will the message of the hour reach those of the surrounding places.

If we may spend monthly at an average of five Rupees on each class, the work will have greater effect. No matter how deeply the poor friends are interested in a place, without our frequent visits all the wolves and foxes gather and howl and tear them to pieces. Really, it is a hard thing to keep them away, without some one on the spot. When we start a class in a place, immediately the sectarian people go there and say all manner of evil things about you, and all the workers, falsely, and try their best to discourage the poor people. It seems we have to take a paternal care over these poor friends until they are well grounded in the Truth and strengthened in spirit and in

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faith. “They were grieved that the people were taught.”—Acts 4:2.

Brother Carmichael is the one who spends his entire time distributing tracts now. Other friends also do it, but they give only part of their time. Brother Joseph is in North Travancore starting classes. He also finds much opposition in those parts.

Here in almost all the vernacular missionary papers there is some slanderous report about me and the work—almost every issue. They call me Anti-Christ, dog, devil, and I know not what all. I don’t have time to look or listen, as the pressure of the Lord’s work is heavy and the time is so short.

The latest development is that some of the literature of the enemies of the Truth in America has found its way to Travancore, and some sectarians are glorying over it and are translating and publishing it in the vernacular languages.

At the instigation of so-called “Christians,” we are drawn into Court, not for committing any crime, but for putting up sheds and teaching the people the Gospel Truth. The reason is that there is a law here that no shrine or temple shall be built by anybody without the permission of the Government. These people know well that it is not at all our purpose to put up shrines and temples, and yet they want to scare the poor people and put us to unnecessary trouble and expense.

There is a case pending at Quilon in which I am one of twelve accused. The accusation against us is that we have violated the law of the State in building a Christian church. This is the place where Brother Pyles and Dr. Jones went for the night meeting, when you and Brother Hall and myself went to the English school at Nellykakuzy, where Dr. William lives. We all, the twelve accused, went to Quilon for the case, and some of the witnesses did not appear; hence it is posted for next Friday. Of course it will not amount to anything, yet there is trouble and unnecessary expense in connection with it, and loss of time. These are the things our enemies delight in. Such is the spirit of the missionaries, who have come to the heathen to preach about Christ.

The tract, “Problem of the Ages,” is translated and printed in Malayalam and Tamil, in small quantities of 25,000. As the funds are not sufficient, I am waiting for your instructions in the matter.

Friends in Royapuram want me to go and spend some time with them, and there are many places that could be worked for the glory of the Lord. The Federated Malay States constitute a very good field, as there are many educated Indians there who already show some interest through the tracts I have been sending through the mail.

If I could travel for two months visiting some of these places, I am quite sure there would be much interest aroused in those parts. I only make this suggestion. I think about 500 or 600 Rupees would be enough for the entire trip.

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I could go from here to Madras, and after spending a few days there, go to Burmah, and then to Penang, and to the Malay States. There are many Tamil and Malayalam people in those places. I think until I come back Brothers Theophilus and James may be able to go on with the work here.

Herewith I enclose the monthly statements and the receipts of the 53 catechists and teachers, for the help they have received.

Dear Brother, I know it is hard for you to spare even a few moments for me, yet I beg of you to drop a few lines to encourage and cheer me up and direct me with your counsel, at least once a month.

I die daily, not only for the cause of the Master, but also for the servant of the Lord. You know that whatever arrow is shot at you by enemies, first pierces me through my heart. May the Lord give you, dear brother, more strength, more courage, more wisdom and love, every passing day.

With love and prayers, your brother and fellow-sufferer for the cause of the Lord.



Volumes STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES circulated……. 1,409
Other books………………………………… 185
Booklets…………………………………… 1,818
English PEOPLES PULPITS……………………… 28,808
English EVERYBODY’S PAPER……………………. 30,000
Dutch PEOPLES PULPITS……………………….. 3,000
(These last three items figured in tract pages are equivalent, respectively, to 460,928, 480,000 and 48,000.)
Mail dispatched…………………………….. 1,716
Meetings held………………………………. 309



During the year 1912 the efforts of the Gould Free Library for the Blind show as follows:—

Books loaned out, postage free……………….. 876
Tracts sent out, free……………………….. 2,698
Representing in tract pages………………….. 37,044
Letters received……………………………. 652
Letters dispatched………………………….. 483

Your Brother in Christ,


— February 1, 1913 —