::R4877 : page 351::
Series VI., Study V., VI., Organization of the New Creation
(126) Does the foregoing signify that the sisters may never explain to others “the good tidings of great joy?” P. 267, par. 2.
(127) What is the Apostle’s advice regarding woman’s attitude in Church gatherings for worship and praise? P. 268, par. 1.
(128) To what kind of Church gatherings did the Apostle’s restrictions evidently relate? P. 268, par. 2,3.
(129) Did the Apostle Paul favor the “woman’s rights” idea? P. 269, par. 1.
(130) What argument on this subject can be drawn from Eph. 4:11,12, noting the gender indicated in the Greek? P. 269, par. 2.
(131) Would it be considered “teaching” for a sister to quote the words of the Lord or the Apostles upon any subject under discussion, or to read or refer to recognized publications explanatory of the Scriptures? P. 270, par. 1.
(132) What is evidently the beautiful and appropriate symbolism of this Divine order in the Church, “Let her be covered?” P. 270, par. 2.
(133) What was there in the dress of the High Priest and the under priests which typified this sex-distinction? P. 271, par. 1.
(134) Explain the Apostle’s teaching with respect to the sisters wearing a head covering, as stated in 1 Cor. 11:3-7,10-15. P. 271, par. 2.
(135) Was this a Divine command? and are there good reasons for perpetuating this custom? P. 271, par. 3.
(136) Briefly summarizing, what are the liberties and the limitations of sisters in the Ecclesia? P. 272.
(1) Although the entire Church throughout the world is one, how should each separate Ecclesia be considered, and conduct itself? P. 237, par. 1.
(2) How is each congregation to recognize all other Ecclesias, and expect the Lord to provide for the needs of the Church as a whole? P. 273, par. 2.
(3) While thus looking for special instruments to be used of the Lord, what should be the attitude of the Church toward all such and their teachings? P. 274, par. 1.
(4) What Scriptural authority for expecting one general channel of instruction at the Lord’s second presence, and how does this affect the individual Ecclesias with respect to order, discipline, etc.? P. 274, par. 2.
(5) In the selection of elders for an Ecclesia, what should be the qualifications of those who attempt to express the mind of the Lord by voting? P. 275, par. 1.
(6) What is the significance of the word ordain in Acts 14:23? P. 276, par. 1.
(7) Is the same Greek word used by the Lord and the Apostles with respect to the ordination of the Apostles, and indeed of every member of the New Creation? P. 276, par. 2.
(8) What was the custom of the early Church? Cite two instances of this method. P. 276, par. 3.
(9) Is there no other word mentioned in the New Testament as signifying to give authority or permission to preach, as the word ordain is now generally used and understood? P. 277, par. 2 to P. 278, par. 3.
(10) What spirit is responsible for the division into “clergy” and “laity?” P. 278, par. 4, first part.
— September 1, 1911 —
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