::R4726 : page 387::
DECEMBER 1, 1909, TO DECEMBER 1, 1910
Supplementary Report from Foreign Branches, January 1
THE nearer we get to the grand consummation of our hopes, the more swiftly do the years go by, and the more interesting and meaningful do they become to us. If we realize our hopes, four more years will see the “elect” little flock of God all gathered; and the world’s time of trouble begun, in which brethren of the “great company” will share and wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Is it any wonder that we all feel a fervency of zeal? Surely not!
We admit, as we have always done, that “We walk by faith and not by sight—that our chronology is not indisputable—that our opinion of it is fallible—that it is not clear to us just how all of the “little flock” can pass into death so speedily! Nevertheless, we rejoice in faith and love and zeal. And this year’s Report shows that the dear friends everywhere are of one mind and of one heart on the subject. They have accomplished this year exploits in the publishing of the Truth which put all other years in the shade in many particulars.
The sentiment of all seems to accord with our own—that the chronology (and the prophetic times and seasons which so wonderfully interlock with it and seem to prove it) has brought great joy and refreshment, even if later on it should appear that we have not located the end of the Times of the Gentiles exactly. Their end is surely near, if not on October 1st, 1914, as we still believe.
At any rate, even if we were in the same “outer darkness” as the world on subjects chronological, have we not more than all others to rejoice us in respect to The Divine Plan of the Ages? We surely have the only satisfying portion we know of, anywhere.
“It satisfies our longings
As nothing else could do.”
This satisfaction, and the joy and peace and rest and zeal which accompany it, are reflected in our Report of the past year’s work. The dear friends have not only contributed more than ever to the funds which make the wheels of the work move, but they have also been more energetic than ever before in the distribution of the Volunteer literature and in encouraging the Newspaper work.
Only in the Colporteuring of the SCRIPTURE STUDIES are we disappointed. The circulation of these “Bible Keys,” as some term them, has lagged. Let us watch, pray and labor for more wisdom and blessing for the year 1911. The people are more open-minded than ever before, and seemingly more willing to read. This branch of the service has been specially blessed and used of the Lord hitherto, and we must not let it lag by reason of any inattention on our part. Any of the dear Colporteurs who may think that they see the reason of the decline, the President of the Society will be glad to hear from re the matter.
We are glad to hear from our numerous readers frequently. We consider our wonderful mail service a God-given blessing, and desire to use it more and more in the harvest work. However, we do not pretend to answer all letters, but only such as require an answer.
Many delightful letters thus go unanswered. Some of these tell of having taken “The Vow,” and the great blessings since experienced. Others recite family history covering years and pages, some curious and some interesting. Others tell us the Plan of God, presumably that we may know that they comprehend it as we do, or to emphasize some point of difference. We are glad to have the dear WATCH TOWER readers thus unbosom themselves. It does them good as well as us. But we do not reply to such letters.
We reply to letters needing replies—to questions, etc. And many of our replies are brief, referring the questioner to the SCRIPTURE STUDIES volumes, or to back issues of THE WATCH TOWER, because these answer more thoroughly than could a letter of remarkable length. But continue to write us of your interest in the Truth and your love and prayers, even though you get no reply. And when you send questions, number them and write them on a separate page or sheet.
Number engaged in Pilgrim service………… 57
Number of miles traveled………………… 477,247
Number of cities visited by Pilgrims……… 3,521
Number of public meetings held…………… 3,297
Number of parlor meetings held…………… 7,416
This department of the harvest work continues to demonstrate its worth to the household of faith. Our readers will be interested in the below summary.
::R4726 : page 388::
During the past six months we have added a new feature, with excellent success. It combines an increased public service for the Pilgrims and at the same time increases the Volunteer work, in which all may engage. It is as follows:—
Sunday appointments for the traveling Pilgrims are given preferably to those cities whose classes have signified their desire and ability to secure fine auditoriums and to advertise the service thoroughly. To such we send special issues of the PEOPLES PULPIT, bearing the announcement on the last page, for free circulation—sufficient for the city. We also send window-cards (requiring but little printing).
The result has been much larger public meetings by several of the Pilgrims and additional millions of copies of PEOPLES PULPIT circulated. We commend the plan to all the classes located in large cities.
To ascertain the quantity of PEOPLES PULPITS necessary to put one copy in the home of every English-speaking family perplexes some. Decide thus: Ascertain approximately the number of English speaking population and divide that number by five. The result will be the number necessary to supply every family.
We published 30,000 WATCH TOWERS every issue—occasionally more. Some of these went out as “sample copies.” Quite a large number went to “the Lord’s Poor”—paid for out of a special fund. Altogether, we reckon that the profit on THE WATCH TOWER just about offsets the yearly loss on SCRIPTURE STUDIES, sold mostly to Colporteurs, and at a loss—counting foreign translations and “bad” accounts.
Some of our old readers have taken offense that their names were stricken from our lists. We again assure them that they are welcome to this journal so long as it is published—regardless of the subscription fee. But they must ask for it. Either ask it free, paid for from the special fund, or ask it on credit, payable at convenience; even if that should mean never. If you never pay for it you will have it free. We are anxious that our lists contain the names of all in sympathy with THE WATCH TOWER’S teachings.
We explain again that because our Government carries newspapers at such a very cheap rate, it now exercises a careful inspection of the lists of all publications to insure that no names continue on newspaper lists long after expiration.
We still feel that our list of WATCH TOWER subscribers but poorly represents the total number of the interested. We ask the aid of all our readers to the desired end. All who feel profited by the reading of THE WATCH TOWER are requested to recommend it to others who have read the STUDIES, explaining to them our very liberal terms and our desire that it go to all the brethren regularly.
SCRIPTURE STUDIES put into circulation….. 600,157
Mannas………………………………… 21,000
Booklets………………………………. 25,000
This is a great showing, even though it does not in every feature exceed the records of 1908 and 1909. The figures include those of Great Britain.
We take this opportunity to remark that the circulation of the MANNA appears to be second only to the STUDIES in beneficial effects. One Colporteur followed his canvass for STUDIES with the HEAVENLY MANNA. He sold these where he had failed to sell STUDIES. Some months after he again canvassed with STUDIES. He was agreeably surprised that nearly all who had purchased the MANNA were ready and anxious for STUDIES. They asked, eagerly, “Are those books from the pen which wrote the MANNA comments? If so we want them!” Surely no more desirable Christmas gifts could be found than STUDIES, MANNA, THE WATCH TOWER and the DIAGLOTT. Every gift should represent the giver, either as his handiwork or as expressing his sentiments—is our suggestion to friends of the Truth.
Our tract work goes on amazingly. By it all of the Lord’s people, poor or rich, have opportunity for service. They are realizing this more and more. As their consecration and zeal deepen they send us money for the printing and assist in the circulation. Hence the astounding report of this year, the like of which no one ever dreamed of. We presume it safe to say that no other organization ever put out one-tenth this amount of free literature in a year, although some have dollars to our pennies.
We trust that nearly every reader of this Report can say to himself, as he reads the summary below, “God blessed me with the opportunity to share in this branch of the harvest work, and I used it as a blessed privilege. I have had an active share in this labor of love. I invested a portion of my ‘Talent’ thus instead of hiding it in the earth—in pleasure or business or cares of this life.”
Let any who have had a hand in this blessed service be on the lookout how they may double the use of their talent next year—extending their labors to nearby towns not yet served. And let such as have not yet taken a hand in the work resolve that they will not miss the golden opportunity next year. We doubt not the Lord will supply the financial means. We start the new year with faith that he will, with a firm belief that a great work is yet to be accomplished, that the Lord still has “much people” in Babylon to whom he would have us carry the good tidings which have so blessed us.
PEOPLES PULPIT proves itself more attractive for tract-work than any other we have ever used. It is more dignified than any other, both for distributors and readers.
Total pieces of English literature, tracts, chiefly PEOPLES PULPIT, given free in America and Great Britain….. 20,797,165
This, represented in ordinary tract pages, would mean in pages……..350,957,360
These figures are so great that but few can comprehend their significance.
Swedish Copies…….210,500 Pages…….3,368,000
Spanish ” ……. 32,000 ” ……. 512,000
Polish ” ……. 80,000 ” …….1,280,000
Hungarian ” ……. 38,000 ” ……. 608,000
German ” ……. 5,000 ” ……. 80,000
Greek ” ……. 21,000 ” ……. 176,000
Italian ” ……. 53,500 ” ……. 856,000
_______ _________
Total………..440,000 ……. 6,880,000
Our friends and our foes are alike astounded at the success which the Lord has granted to the work of newspaper evangelization. More than a thousand papers in the United States and Canada are now publishing our sermons and Bible Studies weekly. The circulation of these papers varies from 2,500 to 300,000 per issue. The syndicate handling the matter assure us that thus these weekly presentations of the Truth enter at least ten million homes.
::R4726 : page 389::
And, more and more they are being read. Hundreds of letters tell us of this, and the Colporteurs are finding that they sell the STUDIES the more readily by telling that they are from the same source as the sermons.
God’s Message to the Jews is being heard the world around. Not only were several of our sermons to the Jews published to the extent of 107,600 copies in Jewish papers in the English language, but in 655,000 copies of the Yiddish papers besides 325,000 copies of Die Stimme. These have been republished, we learn, in Russia and elsewhere. True, there was some opposition, but this, we believe, led the Jews to take more careful notice of the Message.
It is not our expectation that the Jews will become Christians now. It will be after they shall have returned to Palestine and the spirit of prayer and supplication shall have been poured on them, that they will “look upon him whom they pierced.” Our message is to comfort them and to turn their eyes toward Palestine and to their glorious promises centering there. The Scriptures seem to imply that the “Great Company” will have the honor and privilege of leading them to recognize Jesus as Messiah, during the time of trouble.
Having in mind the foregoing work it might be expected that millions of money had been expended in order to its accomplishment. But, dear friends, economy is associated with every part of the work. No salaries are paid—merely moderate expenses. Yet we are all comfortable and very thankful and happy.
Expended for above work in America……..$139,743.80
Expended elsewhere:
In Great Britain……………………$7,965.55
In Germany………………………… 3,673.27
In Australasia…………………….. 487.06
In India………………………….. 522.37
In S. Africa………………………. 1,438.62
In Sweden…………………………. 1,675.82
In Norway and Denmark………………. 3,494.58
In Jamaica………………………… 935.29
In France, Italy and Swiss………….. 295.73
In Greece…………………………. 396.45
In Mexico…………………………. 50.50
Total expenditure……………………………$160,679.04
Balance from 1909…………………$ 9,718.38
Good Hopes, Tract Fund, etc………… 139,058.72
Shortage……………………………………$ 11,901.94
This is close for the extent of the work, and if other “Good Hopes” be realized this balance will be wiped out before January, 1911.
We congratulate all of our dear co-laborers and praise God for the privileges thus represented.
Very truly your servant in the Lord,
C. T. RUSSELL, President.
— December 15, 1910 —
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