::R4688 : page 303::
We desire to express to you and your most efficient committee our thanks and appreciation for your untiring efforts for the comfort of the brethren, and also to congratulate you upon the success of the great Convention at Celoron. It was good to be there. How we enjoyed your generous and cordial hospitality at Peacock Inn and your talk on Monday evening, Aug. 1! Nothing cold about the reception but the cream; that was very cold and delicious. As long as memory lasts we shall revert to that happy evening and those six hundred friends, bound together by bands of Love and Truth, which will endure throughout eternity. Some months ago we took the Vow, and are glad that we did.
Your Sisters in Christ,
Thirty years ago at a meeting for children I saw Jesus as my Savior, and I was very happy. I had the desire to speak to everybody I met about my Savior, and oh, such a longing to go to China as a missionary overtook me; but when I came to be about sixteen years of age I read Calvin’s Confession of Faith. I spoke about it to my father, who was a strict United Presbyterian, and very strong on election, as set forth in the Confession of Faith. Very soon I lost the joy I had and became sad and indifferent about trying to bring others to Jesus, as I felt they were powerless to make themselves of the Elect.
Thank God, two months ago he drew my attention to a notice in a barber shop window of your prospective lecture on “Hereafter.” I went and heard you, and have since read the DAWN-STUDIES. I cannot express the blessings I have received through them.
I felt constrained to write you, as I thought you would also like to know that I have taken the Vow. I trust to pay it unto the Lord in his strength.
Yours in the love of God,
ALLEGHENY, PA., Sept. 4.
The closer I get to the places where you have walked and labored the most, the more I am impressed with the closeness of your walk with God, and the more do I desire to follow in your footsteps.
As I have just viewed your old home, gone all through the old Bible House, stood in the pulpit occupied by you for so many years, and have now looked around over these beautiful hills over which you have gone, my heart goes down deep into my consecration vow, and I am renewedly determined to be found, by his grace, faithful unto death. With much fervent love I remain
Your brother in Christ, MENTA STURGEON.
I take this opportunity of writing you in regard to a rather strange experience which I have had out in this western country.
A new Methodist minister was sent in here about six weeks ago and, after looking the field over, decided to organize a Sunday-school in this neighborhood. The school was organized two weeks ago, and I was unanimously chosen as Bible teacher for the whole school. On the following Tuesday this man visited at the house where I and my son have been working, and, after some conversation, started to catechise me, with the result that he decided to dispense with my services and appoint another in my place. The matter came up on Sunday last, and, after explaining to the congregation that I was not a safe man to have as teacher, requested them to appoint another.
The congregation, however, were not satisfied with this way of doing things, and suggested that I have a chance to defend myself, which was granted, with the result that I was reappointed by the people and the preacher set aside. We are to have our first study on Sunday next. I have been wondering just what course would be best to pursue, and would like to have the benefit of your counsel in this matter.
None of these people has ever heard about or read any of your literature, and are somewhat curious to know just what we teach. I have thought of starting with “Some things to remember when studying the Bible and the importance of sound doctrine,” and then follow it up with Ransom and Restitution lessons, etc.
Yours in the Master’s Service, W. G. O.
I have read three volumes of your SCRIPTURE STUDIES and some of the pages many times. I am deeply interested in what I have learned and am trying hard to get others interested. My religious faith is Baptist. The members of my Church snub me sometimes, and my pastor snubs me all the time, because I believe what I have heard and read. My pastor has openly denounced me from his pulpit, which I feel badly about, but I can never give up that which I believe to be truth.
Any one of your tracts that is best suited to the needs of my pastor would you please send it to me or to him.
We have just returned from San Francisco, where we enjoyed a feast at Brother McMillan’s meetings. Since we are now alone here we sometimes attend the classes at San Francisco and Oakland, seventy-five miles distant. No! we are not alone; we always claim the promise.
We greatly enjoyed the privilege of distributing Peoples Pulpit announcements of the meetings. In this town we mail a good many Peoples Pulpits and on Saturdays we place them in the farmers’ rigs as they are tied at the plaza.
While working among the flowers in my greenhouse I discovered a vegetable cure for eczema and inflammations of the skin. I know it is good, for I cured myself with it. I call it “Floral.” It seems to be another evidence of the nearness of the establishment of the Kingdom.
We want to express to you in a few words that this great Truth is becoming more of a reality to us as the end of the course draws near, and we strive the more to make our calling and election sure. We do thank our Heavenly Father for the increasing light he is giving us through that willing servant to those who hunger and thirst for it.
G. J.
Love and greetings in the one hope of our calling, to be joint-heirs with our Lord and Saviour.
It is my earnest desire to be more faithful daily in living my consecration vow—to scrutinize my every thought and word and act more closely, so that I may be the better enabled to serve the Lord and his dear Flock. I want to be more and more thankful for the wonderful way he is leading me. I raise my voice in thanksgiving to our dear heavenly Father for permitting me to read the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, which have answered the questions that I had been asking much of my life. Next to the Bible, they are the most excellent books ever written; they have helped to bring me much closer to our dear Redeemer. May the Lord’s richest blessings be with you, dear Brother Russell, throughout your pilgrim journey.
Enclosed please find draft; may it help to carry on the good work in the Lord’s service.
Yours in his service, B. A. KRENZ.
— September 15, 1910 —
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