R4501-319 Berean Studies On The Atonement

::R4501 : page 319::



Questions on Scripture Study V.—Man for whom Atonement was made


(1) Is there such a thing as a spirit soul? If so, explain the difference between it and the human soul, and give the illustration of the candle. P. 343, par. 2.

(2) Describe the resurrection processes and show how the personal identity or soul will be restored, while the flesh will not be restored. P. 338-343, par. 3.

(3) Is there danger of a miscarriage so that the resurrected ones would fail to identify themselves? And would the danger be any the less if the same particles of matter were miraculously preserved, readjusted and quickened? Must we not in any event depend upon Divine power only. P. 343, par. 3.

(4) Is there any suggestion of the Scriptures to the effect that the bodies which go down to the tomb will be restored atom by atom? What says the Apostle?

(5) Quote the Apostle’s words on this subject and explain the matter. P. 343, last par.

(6) In what sense does the “breath of life” return to God who gave it?

(7) In what sense did God give the spirit of life? In what sense did he remand that gift? In what sense is provision made for its restoration? If no arrangement had been made for its restoration what would have been man’s condition in death? P. 344, par. 1.


(8) Why is death so frequently spoken of as a “sleep” in the Scriptures? Give an illustration of our Lord’s use of the word sleep as referring to death. Is there any record of Lazarus having any conscious experiences during the four days he was asleep—dead? Would our Lord have called him from glory if he had been in heaven? Would such an awakening mean a blessing or a loss? Give a full explanation of it. P. 344, par. 2.

(9) Why is the resurrection time spoken of as the “morning”? Give the quotation and citation. P. 345, par. 1.

(10) Give nine quotations and citations from the New Testament in which death is referred to as a “sleep.” P. 345.

(11) Give similar citations from the Old Testament. P. 346.

(12) Will those awakening from the death “sleep” have any consciousness of the lapse of time between their falling asleep in death and their awakening in the resurrection? P. 346, last par.

(13) Will the resurrection work be practically a reawakening and will it be as great or a greater manifestation of Divine power than the original creation of Adam and Eve? P. 347.

(14) Why is a living dog better than a dead lion? and how do the Scriptures use this comparison to illustrate the meaning of death to the human family? P. 347.

(15) Quote some Scriptures which show that the dead know not anything and that there is no work nor device nor wisdom in the grave whither all go.


(16) What did St. Paul mean by his statement that some say “there is no resurrection of the dead”? And could there be a resurrection of the dead if nobody is dead—if all, when they seem to die, really become more alive? P. 348, par. 2-4.

(17) What did the Apostle mean by saying that “if there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen?” P. 348, par. 5.

(18) What did St. Paul mean by the statement, “If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain?” P. 348, par. 5.

(19) What did he mean by the statement that “If the dead rise not, Christ is not risen,” and the Apostles were false witnesses, preaching a false Gospel? P. 348, par. 5.

(20) In his argument for the resurrection does the Apostle anywhere state or otherwise imply whether he refers to a resurrection of the body or of the soul? Give a Scriptural citation showing why. P. 349, par. 1.

(21) How would the Apostle have stated himself if he held the same views that the majority of people hold on this subject? P. 349, par. 1.

(22) Show how the Apostle taught a resurrection of the soul and how that denied the resurrection of the body which died. P. 349, par. 2.


(23) Why did the Apostle in arguing the importance of the resurrection of the dead in I Cor. 15 say (Vs. 17,18), “If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished?” In what sense could they be perished if they went directly to heaven and were more than ever alive at the time when they appeared to be dead? Do those who claim that the soul cannot die thereby deny the resurrection of the soul or sentient being? P. 349, last par.

(24) Why is it claimed, contrary to the Scriptures, that God’s promise of a resurrection applies merely to the body, and why is there perplexity concerning the words of the inspired Apostle?

(25) If, as is admitted, the death of Christ was the sacrifice for sin, what death was it? And if in dying he became more alive than before he died, in what sense did he die for our sins, or what was given as the ransom price for the sinner’s forfeited life. P. 349, last par.

(26) Respecting those who fall asleep in Christ as members of his Body and whose hope is to share in the glory and honor of the First Resurrection, will theirs be a resurrection of the body or a resurrection of the soul possessed of a new body? P. 350, par. 1.

(27) God is a Spirit (Being). Is he Scripturally said to be a soul? If so, where? P. 350, par. 1.

(28) What philosophy did the Athenians have which led them to reject St. Paul’s words relative to the resurrection of the dead? Quote and cite the texts. P. 350, par. 2.

(29) To what extent had the Platonic philosophy invaded Judaism at the time of our Lord? Explain the matter with proof texts. P. 351.

(30) Why did Josephus mention prominently a sect of the Jews which was so small as not to be mentioned in the New Testament?

(31) Was eternal torment any part of the Jewish faith?


— October 15, 1909 —