R4450-239 Berean Studies On The Atonement

::R4450 : page 239::



*Five years ago DAWN-STUDIES, VOL. V., was reset, and unfortunately the type was not exactly same size as before; and hence page for page they differ. The references given in these Berean Studies apply to the present edition, a copy of which postpaid will cost you but 30c. But keep your old edition, for unfortunately the new Bible Helps refer to its pages.

Questions on Scripture Study V.—Man for whom Atonement was made


(1) What two general views are there in response to the question, “What is man that God is mindful of him?” And what is the proper basis of our information on this subject? And, Why is that information provided? P. 301.

(2) Explain these two popular theories—the “Orthodox” and the “Scientific.” P. 302-304.

(3) What is the importance of an understanding of what man is, as related to the subject of the Atonement for man’s sins? P. 302, top.

(4) Why should we ignore the two general views and accept the Bible testimony respecting the nature of man? P. 304, par. 3.

(5) Cite some texts frequently misunderstood and misapplied on this subject and show their true meaning. P. 305-307.


(6) Is man, as scientists claim, an animal? And what is the meaning of the word animal? P. 307, par. 2.

(7) What is the relationship or comparison as between man and the lower animals—beasts, birds, fishes, etc.? And did man receive a special spark of Divinity at first or at conception or at any time? P. 307, par. 3,4.

(8) What theory is built upon the assumption that a Divine spark comes to each human being?

(9) How do the Scriptures recognize man—of how many parts or elements?

(10) Is the body the soul? Is the spirit the soul? Explain what is meant by the spirit of life. Show distinctions between the human spirit of life and the spirit of life in the brute. P. 308, 309.

(11) Is each human being separately and specially created by the Almighty? Is God, therefore, responsible for the birth of idiots and for the general unbalance and imperfection of the human family, or what is the explanation? P. 309.

(12) Did God implant a Divine spark which the human imparts to his offspring, or what is the secret of man’s superiority over the beast? P. 310.


(13) Give a little dissertation on the spirit of man—what the word implies. P. 310, also 172.

(14) Compare and contrast the spirit of man with the Spirit of God. P. 311.

(15) The spirit-begotten, the Church of the First-born, are during this Gospel Age spoken of as in the Spirit, spiritual, possessed of a new mind or a new spirit, etc. Explain the meaning of these words and show the difference between these and the remainder of mankind, the natural man, in this respect. P. 311.

(16) Give illustrations of the use of the word spirit in the New Testament and classify them and explain them. P. 312, 313.


(17) What can we say of the word spirit in respect to mankind in the Old Testament? P. 314.

(18) Cite the Scriptures of the Old Testament referring to the spirit of life or animation and explain these. P. 314-317.

(19) Cite the Scriptures of the Old Testament in which “ruach”—spirit—is used to signify mind or will. P. 318, 319.

(20) Explain the Scriptural use of the Hebrew word Neshamah, the breath of life. Cite the Scriptures and analyze them. P. 319, 320.


— August 1, 1909 —