R4312-15 Berean Studies On The Atonement

::R4312 : page 15::



*Five years ago DAWN-STUDIES, VOL. V., was reset, and unfortunately the type was not exactly same size as before; and hence page for page they differ. The references given in these Berean Studies apply to the present edition, a copy of which postpaid will cost you but 30c. But keep your old edition, for unfortunately the new Bible Helps refer to its pages.

Questions on Study V.—The Channel of the Atonement.


(10) Is the term holy Ghost the same in meaning as holy Spirit? Why the two translations? Which is preferable? Cite standard authorities on the subject. P. 168, par. 2.

(11) What authority is there for speaking of the holy Spirit as a separate person from the Father and the Son—the “third person” of the Trinity? Cite Scriptures showing that it signifies, not a person, but the spirit of a person. P. 169, par. 1.

(12) When the pronouns he, whom, him and his are used in respect to the holy Spirit, what is the signification? Does this teach or imply personality? P. 170, par. 1,2.

(13) Do other translations use the same terms? Cite some illustrations where the same Greek word is rendered in the feminine and others in which it is rendered in the neuter gender. P. 170, par. 2,3; Pp. 171, 172.

(14) What is the meaning of the term holy Spirit, as used in the Scriptures? What qualities or powers are represented by the term? Give illustrations of the use of the Hebrew word ruach and the Greek word pneuma. Pp. 173, 174.

(15) What sense attaches to the word spirit, when we say that God is a spirit? P. 174, last par.

(16) What is signified by the statement that “the spirit moved on the face of the waters,” in the account of creation? (Gen. 1:2.) Was this an intelligent moving? P. 175, par. 1.


(17) The Apostle says that “Holy men of old spoke and wrote as they were moved of the holy Spirit.” In what sense did it move them? P. 175, par. 3.

(18) Give an illustration of the spirit of God working in the hearts of cunning craftsmen and explain the nature of the operation. P. 175, par. 2.

(19) When the Lord put his spirit upon Moses and subsequently upon the elders of Israel, what did it signify? What was its operation? Is there anything to indicate that it was a person that was distributed amongst them? P. 176, par. 1.

(20) Was the holy Spirit manifested in the same manner before Pentecost as subsequently? Cite some Scriptures in proof of the answer. P. 176, par. 2.

(21) In what sense was the holy Spirit granted at Pentecost different from any previous presentation? To whom and for what purpose was it granted? P. 177, par. 1.

(22) In what respect does this manifestation differ from the previous manifestations of the Spirit? Give Scriptural citation in proving answer. P. 177, par. 2; P. 178, par. 1.

(23) Does the holy Spirit as it now operates in the Church always manifest itself in the same manner? Demonstrate the answer from the Scriptures. P. 178, par. 1.

(24) Is there a difference between the holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, and what relationship do they bear to each other? Give Scriptural quotations proving the answer. P. 179, par. 1.


(25) Were the gifts of the Spirit such as would vanish away? Does this signify that the Spirit would cease to operate, or that thereafter it would be differently manifested? P. 179, par. 2.

(26) Is there a difference between the gifts of the Spirit, which were miraculous, and the personally developed fruits of the spirit? Explain the difference with Scriptural references. P. 180, par. 1.

(27) What are the fruits of the Spirit and how do they differ from its gifts? P. 180, par. 2.

(28) Explain the different manifestations of the Spirit and the different objects served. P. 181, par. 1.

(29) Is the term, Spirit of God, sometimes used in a similar manner as we use the expression, spirit of man, or mind of man? Give some instances. P. 182.

(30) Give three senses in which the term Spirit of God may be understood, and some illustrations. P. 183.


(31) The Spirit of God is said to be given sometimes in measure and again without measure. What do these statements imply? Could they be applied to a person or only to the spirit of a person? P. 184, par. 1.

(32) Can any but consecrated believers receive the holy Spirit at all? And how may these increase their measure? P. 185, par. 1.

(33) Quote a number of uses of the word spirit and explain, if possible, how these could possibly be used in reference to a person—spirit of truth, spirit of the Father, etc. P. 186, par. 1.

(34) If the Spirit of the Father means another God, how should we understand the words spirit of the world, spirit of error, spirit of Satan, etc.? P. 186, par. 2.

(35) What is meant by the term Spirit of Anti-Christ and how should we be on guard against it? P. 187, par. 1.

(36) Do the holy and unholy influences or spirits at work in the world imply that there is no personal God or no personal Satan? P. 187, par. 2.


— January 1, 1909 —