R4203-205 Some Interesting Letters

::R4203 : page 205::



I had in mind for some time to unburden to you some of my experience with some of our friends in the Nominal Churches in dispensing Tracts, TOWERS and DAWNS to them; that we often meet with the remarks that they cannot observe any changes in the general conditions, everything going on as usual. We say to them, we agree with you in this; but how about the worship to God, and walking in his precepts; the faith in general of Jesus Christ, who said, “When the Son of Man cometh will he find faith on the earth?” and we call their attention back to about twenty years or more, when in the Christian home we would hear the singing of hymns or reading a Psalm, or expounding the Gospel or the apostles’ letters; how the evening and the morning worship was regularly conducted, and how Saturday evening was the beginning of the rest day, to give thanks unto God for blessings received during the past week, and that this was a custom since Reformation times, to which books and periodicals attest. And further, a visit to the same homes now, and what do we observe in the majority of them? Is it not card playing, dancing, and beer drinking and other worldly affairs, of which the Christians in former years kept aloof?

To these existing conditions all older people agree with me, that a very great change has taken place, that the sowing time is past, and the harvest far advanced. The churches receive almost anyone for membership, with almost any kind of baggage. Recently a Baptist minister returned from a heathen land, where he had been doing missionary work for over twenty years, and, preaching one of his old-fashioned sermons to a flock of his believers, he was requested to remain with them and start a new church, to which he assented, with the remark, that he had observed since coming back that they were more in need of the Gospel than were the heathen.

Let us pray to the Lord to send more servants into the field, and give thanks for the Light we have received.

I will close my few remarks, as my letter may become too lengthy, although much more could be said in regard to these changes. Yours, W. H. GRUHL,—Wis.



I am sending herewith an order for WATCH TOWER and Diaglott for Mrs.__________, to whom I delivered a set of Studies in the Scriptures three weeks ago today. She has fairly devoured the first three volumes, and said to me last night on our way home from the meeting, “You cannot comprehend what those books have been to me, for I was utterly without faith of any kind, but now I have committed all to the Lord and am trusting him entirely and worry about nothing, for I possess nothing to worry about any more. All belongs to him.” She had never professed Christianity but attended Christian Science meetings, and thought that belief more reasonable than anything she had ever heard, as her husband had been healed by it. She says she wonders now how she could ever have thought there was anything in Christian Science.

My heart overflows with gratitude to our heavenly Father for having used me as his humble messenger to bring such joy into the life of this dear sister and I pray that I may prove faithful even unto death, that he may use me in like manner in the coming age to assist in bringing joy to the whole “groaning creation.”

Praying the Great Chief Reaper’s richest blessing to continue to rest upon you, and asking your prayers that I may prove faithful, I am, your humble sister in our Redeemer, S. L. G. CHAPMAN,—Maine.


::R4202 : page 205::

A CORRECTION:—Several earnest friends of the Truth, residing in or near Birmingham, Eng., have written us that they think we were misinformed respecting Bro. B. C. Hughes; that in their opinion he was a most exemplary Elder. We are glad to make note of their testimony in his favor. However, nothing in our report was intended unkindly; we have always thought of him as conscientious.—EDITOR.


— July 1, 1908 —