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AFTER six o’clock on Tuesday evening, April 14th, readers of this journal in all parts of the world will gather as ecclesias of Christ to memorialize his death with “unleavened bread” and “fruit of the vine” as emblems of his broken body and shed blood. The largest of these will probably assemble at Allegheny Carnegie Hall—not a great multitude meeting anywhere—while the little ecclesias will be numerous—for, as the Master said, “Wherever two or three are met in my name, there am I in their midst.”—Matt. 18:20.
We urge that none neglect this annual privilege, for any reason. There is a special blessing in its observance. If you incline to feel discouraged, go partake of the broken loaf, asking the Lord for a fresh realization of your justification, and a fresh appreciation of your consecration to be broken (sacrificed) with him, as reckoned members of the one loaf—his Church, his Body. Then as you taste of “this cup” remember that it speaks of our Lord’s sufferings on our behalf—his tasting death for every man. Remember, also, that this is “our high calling”—”to suffer with him that we may also reign with him.” This is the significance of his words, “drink ye all of it.” And, as the Apostle declares,
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it is the com[mon]union in his sufferings.—1 Cor. 10:16.
Let us not forget that the Memorial is meaningless or worse unless thus accepted and appreciated. But let nothing hinder us—neither sins, nor coldness, nor feelings of unworthiness. Go to the Lord and make a clean breast of all your shortcomings. Go to your brethren or any whom you have wronged—make full acknowledgment, whether they acknowledge faults toward you or not. Get yourself right with your Lord and so far as possible with every man, and then eat—yea, feast upon the rich provision the Lord has made for all who accept, now or in a later “due time.”
Such a heart-searching and cleansing, we remember, was shown in the Passover type given to the Jews. Before they gathered to eat their Passover-lamb they searched everywhere throughout their habitations for anything containing leaven or putrefaction, bones, crusts, everything. These all were burned—destroyed. So must we fulfil the antitype and “put away the old leaven” of anger, malice, hatred, strife.—1 Cor. 5:7,8.
But remember that this kind of leaven of sin cannot be thoroughly put away unless it be burned; and only love can burn it out—heavenly love, the love of God. If we have that love shed abroad in our hearts it will consume everything of the opposite character—jealousy, hatred, evil speaking, etc. Put off all these, urges the Apostle, and put on Christ and be filled with his Spirit. Do not be discouraged. True, for the time you ought to be further along, nearer to perfect love. But learn the lesson and start again with fresh resolutions and increased appreciation of the fact that of yourself, without the Master’s aid, you could never gain the prize. He knows this better than do we, and says “Without me ye can do nothing.” It was because of our need that the Father thus arranged for us. “Be of good, courage!” is the Master’s word to all who are longing and striving to be of the class called “Conquerors.”
Temptations seem to be specially permitted at this season of the year. “Roots of bitterness” seem to sprout and grow always, but at this season with ten-fold vigor. Let us remember that Love, not Knowledge, is the final test of our discipleship. “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another.” It was because the apostles had not enough love for one another that they disputed as to which should be the greatest in the Kingdom, and were so determined not to stoop to one another that they neglected also to wash the Master’s feet, and gave him the opportunity even in menial things to be servant of all. It was this wrong spirit—this lack of the Lord’s Spirit—that made them susceptible to the Adversary’s power and led Judas to betray and Peter to deny the Lord’s Anointed.
Let us then take heed to ourselves and watch and pray and be very humble and very loving, lest we fall into temptation. Not since that time probably has our great Adversary been more alive than now to do injury or to entrap or to stumble the followers of Jesus.
For the benefit of readers “at the ends of the earth” we published as early as in our February 1st issue a treatise on this Memorial subject; and again in our March 1st issue we discussed the Bread of Life. We commend a fresh examination of those presentations and of our treatment of the subject in DAWN-STUDIES, Vol. VI., page 457.
— March 15, 1908 —
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