R4134-47 Cincinnati Debates And Convention

::R4134 : page 47::


DEBATES were announced in our last issue, to be held in Cincinnati, O., for six consecutive nights, beginning Sunday night, Feb. 23, between Mr. White of the Christian or Disciple denomination and the Editor of this journal, C. T. Russell. At once we began to receive letters suggesting that a WATCH TOWER CONVENTION be held in Cincinnati at the same time, as quite a number of the friends desired to attend the debates anyway.

Accordingly we have arranged for an eight-day Convention—Feb. 23-March 1, inclusive. This will give us two Sundays. We anticipate a spiritual feast at the Lord’s table in company with many of his “little ones.” Of course many more will be present in spirit than can arrange to be personally present; but these, too, will share the general blessing of the Lord by reason of their spirit of fellowship.


Our latest information is that Music Hall has been secured for the debates. It is Cincinnati’s finest auditorium, with a seating capacity of 3600. Further announcement of the Convention arrangements will appear in our next issue. Meantime we remark that the railroads south of Cincinnati will give excursions on the Certificate plan if requested. When buying ticket at full single fare ask for a certificate which will entitle you to a return ticket at one-third of full fare when properly endorsed. These rates will be open to anybody. Arrangements will be perfected for securing clean rooming accommodations at 50 cents to $1 per night each person. If you desire us to secure such for you give full particulars before Feb. 15th, that the address of your room may be mailed to you. Restaurant accommodations in Cincinnati are abundant and reasonable.


One of the Cincinnati newspapers proposes to give stenographic reports of the debates. We have arranged to receive subscriptions for the period covered by the reports—four copies to one address, and later six copies of the entire six debates, all for $1.00. Order at once!

A party of friends will leave Chicago for Cincinnati in special car Saturday night, Feb. 22. Any desiring to accompany them write Dr. L. W. Jones, 2024 Washington Boul., Chicago.


— February 1, 1908 —