R4016-191 Some Interesting Letters

::R4016 : page 191::



Many, many thanks indeed for your kindness in sending me reading matter which I appreciate far more than words or pen can tell.

I now feel like a new person altogether since reading the TOWER and tracts. I was brought up a Catholic and was, therefore, kept in ignorance of the divine Truth. I no longer feel afraid to read the Bible, as through your kindness and charity in sending me the reading you have I now see everything in a new, more reasonable and loving light. With many, many thanks, I am, V. K.,—Mo.



I am meeting with larger success than ever before in getting people to read Vol. I by using the following two simple plans:

(1) I fold the 5c DAWN and carry it in my hip-pocket under my coat. When I find someone that I can interest, I immediately tell him I have a book I have been reading and pull out the copy. I then give him a regular Colporteur’s canvass as though to sell it to him but finally loan it to him under his promise to read and return when through with it. Loaning it gives me the right to look it up after a lapse of time.

(2) Carrying several 5c copies in this way and canvassing house after house, beginning right next door to my house, I get the right party by inquiring, “Is there anyone here who is specially interested in the Bible?” My object is to get Vol. I in the hands of the most religiously inclined person in each house. I loan it saying I will call after two or three weeks. The call gives an opportunity to water seed or to secure the book. Right in my own block I have found about six or seven interested readers already. There is nothing like being prepared.

Your brother, G. H. F.,—Pa.



Having just read the article under the heading, “She hath done what she could,” I was moved to lay the paper down and write you. Of course, I will not be able while in the flesh to express my feelings while reading and weeping as I realized that I could not wash my dear Redeemer’s feet. Oh how I longed that I could have the honor of washing yours. Yes, I got the ready consent of my mind that I could so joyfully go through the Bible House bathing the feet of each member of the same, even if it required the entire night till dawn. For a time I felt I was unfortunate in not having an opportunity to bathe the feet of some dear brother tonight. Then I was made to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory that I had in some sense bathed the feet-members of Christ with tears. All glory and honor be to him for such ecstacies of peace and joy even while in the flesh.

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, for ZION’S WATCH TOWER. If such is the sweetness of the streams, what must the fountain be? If such joys are lavished upon us here, what must it be to be there?

Dear brother, enclosed find an increased “Good Hopes” offering as a token of my increased love.

Your brother in the faith, J. T. B.,—Fla.



Love and greetings! It was too cold here to do very much colporteur work this winter, but what I could do has been a great blessing to me and we will leave results to the Lord.

He has richly blessed the work the past year. Several have, through books it was my privilege to carry, already come out of Babylon and are rejoicing in the Lord and his Truth.

The past year has been one of the happiest I have known since engaging in the work, as it has been so full of opportunities of service. Pray for me that I may prove worthy of the vocation to which I am called. You are all remembered daily by me at the throne of grace.

Brother K., who is one of the Cleveland class, has sold fifteen volumes since January 1. These he sold to people with whom he comes in contact in his business. Reading the last year’s report was what made him want to have a share in the harvest work.

Oh that all could see what a privilege it is to engage in some way to spend and be spent in the service of the Lord. May the Lord’s blessing be with you all in rich measure.

Yours in the one hope, T. B.,—Ohio.


— June 15, 1907 —