::R3311 : page 31::
MANY of our readers have been anxious to procure the Pittsburgh Gazette on account of its containing Pastor C. T. Russell’s Sunday discourses in each Monday’s issue. About 1000 of our readers have accepted the arrangement for a clubbing rate, which would make the Gazette cost them for the year $2.25. Many of these desire extra copies of the Monday issue only, but the Gazette people refuse to supply the papers by mail in this way. We have arranged with them, however, that those who wish may subscribe for three months for 60c. or for six months for $1.15. These prices they would not accept direct from the subscribers, but will accept from us on the clubbing principle. Some may desire to subscribe for the shorter periods, and if so we will be pleased to hear from them at once.
In the interest of the friends who desire to circulate numbers of these Monday papers amongst their neighbors, and who believe that matter thus printed is more likely to be read than if conveyed in some other form, we have made an arrangement with the Gazette and a news agent by which ANY ONE WHO IS A SUBSCRIBER FOR THE Gazette (either for three months, six months or a year) shall have the privilege of ordering extra Monday copies of the discourse sheet through us at the following rates, viz.:
Seven copies every Monday for 10 weeks, by mail, $1.00
Fifteen copies every week for 10 weeks, by mail,. 2.00
Fifty copies every week for 10 weeks, by express, prepaid………. 5.00
In sending orders for extra Monday issues, the writer must state explicitly that he is a regular Gazette subscriber, or must include an order for a regular subscription.
We are bound to consult the wishes of the Gazette publishers, because only upon condition of their securing a good list of regular subscribers do they propose to continue the publication of these discourses. The arrangement, however, is, that in the event of their discontinuing a proportionate amount of the subscription money will be returned.
By this new arrangement one regular subscriber can act as agent for the others of the friends in his vicinity, and thus all who desire may be supplied for their own reading, as well as have such supply as they desire for giving or loaning to their friends and neighbors. We believe that good is being accomplished in this manner, and trust for a still larger fruitage. Some of the friends have interested newspapers in their vicinity, and thus secured a re-publication of the discourses. The daily circulation of the Gazette is about 70,000, amongst the most intelligent and religiously inclined people of this city and Pittsburgh.
We are not at liberty to order for the Monday issues under this arrangement for less than ten weeks to any one person.
We have still special issues of the Gazette containing reports of the entire six debates. These can be supplied at 2c. each, postpaid, or 50 or more at 1c. each by express prepaid.
— January 15, 1904 —
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