R1912-285 Poem: Lead Thou Me!

::R1912 : page 285::


Lead thou me ever! Lead thou me!
Dark is the way; by faith alone I tread.
Thus in each age thy saints have walked with thee,
Content to “bear the cross,” as thou hast said.
Dead to the world! Alive, dear Lord, to thee!
Oh! well we know, dear Savior, thou art near,
And though the way be dark, love knows no fear.

Lead thou me ever! Lead thou me!
And as by night the pillared fire did shine,
O’er Israel’s path to the dividing sea,
So now thy light serene illumines mine.
And armed with peace divine, thy saints can stand the strain,
E’en though they wealth and honor must resign;
For we endure with thee, with thee to reign.


— December 15, 1895 —