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DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Just a few lines to let you know how the Lord is blessing me as a partaker in his harvest work.
Acting on your advice in Z.W.T., I have been attending the various meetings held here on Sunday, that I may thereby get acquainted with some of the Lord’s children and give them a tract or DAWN. I have not only had just such opportunity, but also the privilege to lead the Y.M.C.A. meeting one Sunday; and although the subject provided hedged me in considerably, yet I managed to give them some truth on the ransom, and how it was necessary for
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Christ to suffer. Following is the lesson:
2 SAM. 22:36
David was truly great.
Great in physical strength.
(a) Slays the lion and the bear.—1 Sam. 17:36.
(b) Slays the giant.—1 Sam. 17:48-50.
Great in his loyalty to his king.—1 Sam. 26:7-12.
Great in his high position.
Elevated to the throne.—2 Sam. 2:4.
Great in God’s estimation.
A man after his own heart.—1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22.
True greatness does not consist in what we possess, but in what we are.
We may never be kings, but all may be kingly.
David’s greatness consisted in his willingness to submit himself to God.
His constant prayer was “Teach me thy ways.”
Christ is the most perfect example of greatness.
Christ is the most perfect example of gentleness.
His character is love.
Love is always patient, always gentle—never weak.
Love is always great. If we would be great, we must allow the love and gentleness of Christ to lead us.
If our lives are entirely submitted to him, we cannot limit his power to usward. Christ’s pattern of greatness.—Matt. 18:4. Gentleness the fruit of the spirit.—Gal. 5:22. Study lives of Moses, Paul, Peter, John, Joshua and others.
Yesterday I was called again to make a few remarks after the paper read by the leader. (Subject: Jesus, the young man’s best friend.) I opened the Scriptures at Rom. 5:7,8, showing them in which way Jesus was the young man’s friend, and also friend to all them who by faith appropriate to themselves the merits of his sacrifice. I also explained the “equivalent price,” and its necessity.
Going to the Presbyterian church, I was delighted to hear an old minister preaching the unvarnished truth from the text, “If
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any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,” etc. His prayers were short and very good, and the burden of them was to be guided by God’s Word, his truth, that he may have no opinions of his own. You can imagine how my heart warmed toward him. Since then I have become very friendly with him, and have found him to be very well posted in truth, and waiting with expectancy the return of our Lord and Master. I had quite a talk with him on this truth. He gave me a book to read, and I gave him in exchange DAWN, VOL. II. I know it is against your advice, but I thought that, as he was deeply interested in the coming of Christ, and as he was greatly pleased with the tract, “Do You Know,” he may have his appetite whetted for more and so get ready for VOL. I. And my conclusions were correct: he is deeply interested, and is hurrying up to get it. I pray he may have his prayer answered, just to know God’s way and not his own opinions; and I pray that I may be kept humble, knowing how many have stumbled over spiritual pride.
Find enclosed a small order for MILLENNIAL DAWNS.
Yours in Christian love,
[Such methods we commend to all—in proportion as they possess the requisite ability. Each one blessed by the truth should feel it his privilege as well as his duty to serve it and his fellow-pilgrims to the Heavenly Kingdom. He whose heart does not burn with a desire to tell the good tidings either has not learned it or else has received only its letter and not its spirit. But all should remember the Lord’s caution “Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves;” and the Apostle’s admonition to speak the truth in love. Such efforts for those who are yet in darkness are well supplemented by weekly gatherings for prayer, praise and interchange of testimony by those who have emerged into the “marvelous light” of present truth.
DEAR BROTHER:—In regard to yourself and work, I want to say I am in perfect accord. Since reading DAWN, VOL. I., I have had mingled feelings of joy and sadness: Sadness that I was so long in darkness, and joy that the light has dawned upon me. The DAWNS and TOWERS are a continual blessing to us. I say to us, for I am glad to tell you that my dear wife has also, after due consideration, embraced the truth. So you see I have great cause for gratitude. Together we can study and plan little deeds that we think may be of help to some one. We agree with you that the time is short, and that what we do must be done quickly.
I have consecrated my time, talents, voice, pen and all to God and the spread of present truth—”meat in due season,” and I am glad to be able to say that (since doing this) God has led me in a wonderful way; and we rejoice that through our humble efforts many have been led to a serious consideration of this most important truth. For the past year we have been holding an unsectarian meeting for gospel purposes and Bible study. The numbers have kept up fairly well, and the interest has always been good. Our meetings are attended by a mixed class: many who were never interested in the gospel and some of the different shades of Adventists. All are made welcome. They listen with a good deal of interest, and sometimes take a minor part. The doctrines of the ransom and the restitution are always kept prominent. We use blackboard and chart, and alway try to vary our meeting. Other work consists in tract distribution, loaning of DAWNS, answering enquiries (sometimes in writing), visiting in a quiet way, engaging those in conversation whom we think will be interested. It is indeed a great work, and we are so glad that we have a fair field. Some disappointment has been expressed at our not seeking a church home. Two pastors visited us, and received in plain talk from God’s Word some good reasons for our course. Dear Brother, observation proves more and more that “Babylon” is fallen. What a mercy to be delivered! On Sunday, Aug. 5, our subject will be, The National Restoration of Israel (in accordance to VOL. III., Chap. 8); the next Sunday, The Signs of the Times.
I hope and pray that you will long be spared, and that we, as co-workers with God in this glorious harvest work, may be faithful, and led to glorious victory at last. “Do You Know,” we think is especially good. I do not expect an answer. This is only a little by way of greeting to you and Sister Russell. Yours in the work,
— September 15, 1894 —
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