R1505-89 Bible Study: The Resurrection Of Christ

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II. QUAR., LESSON I., APR. 2, MATT. 28:1-10

Golden Text—”Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruit of them that slept.”—1 Cor. 15:20

The familiar account of the Lord’s resurrection is before us, and the brief record calls up a train of reflections worthy of our deepest reverence and profoundest gratitude. In the resurrection of Christ we have the assurance that death shall not always have dominion over us. His death satisfied the claims of justice against us, and his resurrection is the proof to us of the Father’s acceptance of his sacrifice—our corresponding price—for the cancellation of our debt.

So important was this feature of the divine plan that the Apostle says that if Christ be not risen our faith is vain and there is no evidence that our sins are forgiven. (1 Cor. 15:14-18.) “But,” he adds, “now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruit

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of them that slept.” (Verse 20.) And if the resurrection of Christ was but a first fruit, then the after fruits must in due time also appear. And so we read, “Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming when all that are in their graves shall hear his voice [the voice of the Son of God], and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment” [krisis, trial].—John 5:28,29. And again we read that “God hath appointed a day [the Millennial age] in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained”—Jesus Christ.—Acts 17:31.

Thus in the resurrection of Christ we have assurance of a resurrection of all men—both of the Church and the world. The former are to have part in “his resurrection”—”the first resurrection”—and are to be joint-heirs with him in his Millennial kingdom; they are to be kings and priests unto God, and of the “Seed” of promise through whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Rev. 20:6; Phil. 3:21; Rom. 8:17; Rev. 1:6; Gal. 3:29; Gen. 28:14), while the latter, through this risen and exalted body of which Christ Jesus is the head, are to be granted (offered) the blessings of full restitution to the former estate of human perfection lost in Eden,—a full resurrection or lifting up to human perfection.—Acts 3:19-21.

It is only the long deferment of the “appointed day” of resurrection or restitution that makes this hope and promise seem like an idle tale, but now the time draws very near, as all may see who study the evidences presented in MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vols. II. and III., “The Time is at Hand” and “Thy Kingdom Come.”

In this lesson we have also a beautiful example of the loving devotion of some of the Lord’s followers—the Marys who improved the very earliest opportunity to honor him whom they so loved. And their devotion was richly rewarded in being the very first to see the Lord and receive from him the message to bear to the other disciples.

For a particular account of our Lord’s doings during the forty days after his resurrection, and the character of his change from natural to spiritual conditions, etc., see MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. II., pages 107-172.


— March 15, 1893 —