R1447-279 The Danger A Different One

::R1447 : page 279::


But while we find no fault with any laws yet made or attempted to be passed for the prohibition of labor on Sunday, or for the curtailment of intemperance and gambling, and other immoralities, we see a tendency toward a blending of civil and religious matters in such degree as will become burdensome to minorities. A blending of civil and religious authorities would be very desirable indeed were the laws and officers infallible. Indeed such is the very institution which, during the Millennial age, is to bless the world—Christ’s Kingdom. But so long as those in control are fallible and their views on politics and religion are various and imperfect, so long it will be unsafe and unjust toward the liberties and consciences of the minorities to enforce upon them the religious convictions of the majorities.

The Seventh-Day people see this phase of the subject, too, and would be prepared to look for the right things, were it not for their Sabbath bugaboo. This is evident from the following, clipped from one of their Journals:—

“United States senators have declared it to be ‘not wise statesmanship’ to disregard the demands of the churches for legislation deciding a religious controversy as to whether Sunday is the Sabbath or not. Now why shall not this principle apply to other cases? Why shall not the Spiritualists now work up some issue by which they can demand legislation which will decide the question as to whether or not people are alive when they are dead? There are as many Spiritualists as there are church members; and, of course, it would not be ‘wise statesmanship’ to disregard their demands. Besides this, they would have the unanimous and hearty support of all ‘the evangelical churches’ in the country. And as Congress has granted the demands of the churches alone on this Sunday-Sabbath question, how much more would the same body grant the demands of the same ones over again with largely increased numbers with them. For such would only be ‘wise statesmanship,’ according to the latest definition of the term. What queer ideas these gentlemen have of what statesmanship is! The truth is that it is not statesmanship at all. It is sheer demagogism; and that of the worst sort. These gentlemen should be told that statesmanship does not pander to the selfish and arbitrary demands of classes; it creates sound and healthy public opinion.”

As we have heretofore stated, the Scriptures indicate the formation of a great religious combination, which will exercise a measure of political power throughout the world, and especially in these United States, and which will forcibly restrain public expression on religious subjects when contrary to its standards. At that time we expect that the WATCH TOWER publications will be suppressed—the very thing its many enemies would now like to accomplish but cannot; because now, and for some time yet, the “four angels” will hold back the storm—until all the servants of God have been sealed in their foreheads—given an intellectual appreciation of God’s plan. (Rev. 7:1-3.) When the suppression comes we shall be fully resigned to it, and accept it as a sign that the membership of the elect Church, the bride or body of Christ, has been completed. When this occurs we shall understand it to be the shutting of the door of opportunity to membership in the elect Church, mentioned by our Lord in Matt. 25:10. This will probably be some twelve or fifteen years hence. Soon after, the intensity of the great trouble and anarchy may be expected.

If we know these things, happy are we if we act accordingly, and engage in the harvest work during harvest-time. “The time is short.”


— September 15, 1892 —