R1287-21 General Information

::R1287 : page 21::


The Anniversary of our Lord’s “Last Supper,” as reckoned by Jewish method of calculation, will this year fall on Tuesday evening, April 21st. It will be more fully announced in our next issue. All who can do so are cordially invited to meet and celebrate with us in Allegheny. A few days of conference and Bible study will precede and follow the supper. Railroads will give two-thirds rates. Particulars in March TOWER.



Our meetings are held in Bible House Chapel, Arch Street, Allegheny, Pa. Readers and friends will be warmly welcomed. Preaching every Lord’s-day afternoon at 3 o’clock. A Social Meeting at 7:15 p.m. is followed by a Question Meeting at 8 o’clock, at which all reverent Bible questions are entertained.

Our German-speaking friends occupy the same room every Lord’s-day forenoon at 10:30 o’clock.



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Write orders and lists of subscribers on a sheet of paper separate from your letter.

The safest way to send money is by Express or Postoffice Money Order, by Bank Check, or Registered.

If needful to write a second time about any order, give date of previous order, how money was sent and full particulars.


— February, 1891 —