R1001-8 Extracts From Interesting Letters

::R1001 : page 8::


Canton, O., Nov. 11th, ’87.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I present as a brief report of work done in the two weeks in Canton, the following: 500 DAWNS piled up in our room and nearly all engaged, beside nearly 100 copies already gone out to subscribers. In addition they call for a full course of lectures. We truly have great favor and a season of peace, speaking comparatively.

The ever welcome TOWER at hand, and if I can see my way clear, will have Ohio drenched with “Arp Slips.” I have on some occasions given “slips” to refusers of DAWN, who afterward ran after me to subscribe or buy. Its influence seems to be always GOOD. Please send me more of the Arp slips.

I enclose Ten dollars for the Tract Fund, but if you think best send the timely “Arp Slips” into Ohio to the value of the sum mentioned, and some brother or sister may add sufficient to supply the state fully.

You may get ready 250 DAWNS for Massilon, O. The 1000 for Columbus may wait until Christmas or Dec. 20th at least. Expect another opening to preach at Salem, O., and have fully announced the lectures here. Canton is aroused. In Christ, J. B. ADAMSON.


Peekville, Pa., Nov. 15th, ’87.

DEAR SIR:—I lately got hold of your book, “Millennial Dawn,” and the outside cover had just enough left to give your address. Now if I can get the books and paper, and especially Vol. II, please let me know at once, and I will send money for them for myself and for a friend.

I have been a member of the M.E. church for a number of years, but have often felt that we did not get all of the gospel. Your book has opened the holy Scriptures to my view in a new and wonderful light, and I am anxious to be further instructed in this way. I have always been taught from infancy until now—and I am over 40 years old—that this life is the only probation, and that at death our eternal destiny was unalterably fixed, and it nearly took my breath away when I found that no such assertion was made either in the Old or New Testament, and I am familiar with the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

This book has opened my eyes to some of the most blessed truths, and its perusal has filled my heart anew with the love of our God, and for the last few days I have felt like a newly converted man. I hoped all along until the last page was reached that I might find something about the rich man and Lazarus. I felt sadly disappointed when I did not find anything. Well, God bless you, Yours truly,

H. S.


Millard, Neb., Nov. 14th, 87.

MY DEAR SISTER RUSSELL:—Four Dawns sent last week are sold. People ask for them.

I asked God to take care of this work and he is doing it. Mr. R. is very much interested in it too. He tells me at once when he sells one for me, as he knows it does me so much real good.

Train men and travelling men are all eager for it. They read Bill Arp’s comments and then want the book. I have them pinned up in the waiting room. I would like some more of them for sending away in letters.

I had a letter from my cousin to whom you wrote, telling me that her son, a young man of twenty, had given up all and gone out to sell Dawns. May God bless him and his efforts.

With love to you and Bro. R. May God bless you and forward the work while it is yet day. Yours in the faith,

MRS. L. E. R.


Northumberland Co., Pa., Nov. 11th, ’87.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Please send me ten more paper covered Dawns for which you will find enclosed $2.50, and also send the “TOWER” to the following address—for one year, and find amt. enclosed.

Brother C. has been converted from infidelity by reading DAWN. His own words are, “I am a changed man.” His only Bible for five years past has been Thomas Paine’s “Age of Reason.” Another skeptic whom I presented with a copy says, I would not take $5.00 for my DAWN if I could not get another. I accept the Bible now, but have rejected it because I thought it taught the doctrine of eternal torment.

The most honest people I have found are among skeptics. O! I wish I could do more to spread the truth. Never have I received such blessings, as since I have consecrated myself to the Master’s service in the spread of the truth. I had thought I could send you a list of preachers’ names this time, to be supplied with DAWNS, but I find that it is impossible at this time as so many others are beginning to inquire for the truth. Praying for you and the TOWER work, I remain yours in Christ. LEWIS L. EVARTS.

[Some time ago Brother Evarts started to send DAWN to all the ministers in Penna., sending us lists from time to time as he found himself able to afford it. While commending his plan, and especially his zeal, we advised him that he would probably find a larger proportion of honest Bible students out of the pulpits of the nominal churches than in them. It seems from the above that his experience is the same as ours. How like is the present “harvest” to that at the first advent, its prototype or shadow. See Matt. 23:13; Luke 13:52. The word “lawyers” in this last text corresponds in meaning to the present title of D.D. Doctors of the Law, they were then called, but now Doctors of Divinity.—EDITOR.]


DEAR BROTHER: When I became a reader of the TOWER and M. DAWN, I was preparing to enter the ministry of the Baptist faith. I have had a hard, long struggle with friends and creeds, but now I know I can go joyfully to work with whatever ability I possess circulating DAWN for the truth’s sake. I enclose money. Please send me 500 “Arp’s Joy,” and 100 DAWNS. Your Bro. in Christ,

Becca, S.C. S. J. H.


— January, 1888 —