R0633-1 Extracts From Interesting Letters

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Mich., June 21, 1884.

FRIEND RUSSELL:—The June number of the TOWER is received; it is a friend anxiously expected and most heartily received. It seems to me like news from home. Since I first saw the “Food for Thinking Christians,” I have gained more information from it and WATCH TOWER than from all the works I ever read. I have been quite a Bible reader, and have attempted to teach its doctrines heretofore, but all passages outside of a certain line of doctrine were unintelligible to me. I preached what I supposed to be the Word of God, and I was quite successful, but I became dissatisfied with myself and quit preaching, because I was not sure that I was right; and now I know that I taught the doctrines of men for the commandments of God. I have began to introduce some of the ideas gained from recent reading, and they have produced quite an effect, and some ask, What new doctrine have you got now? I made a chart of the ages, and lectured from that, I am astonished at the result. And now please send me a Wall Chart; I think it is just what I want. I intended to get one painted. Please find the amount enclosed for the Z.W.T. one year, for __________, my friend, he has been a Disciple preacher for 25 years. He mourns to think he has stumbled so long. Please send him a Chart also. May God bless you abundantly now and hereafter. Yours, in hope of eternal life, __________.


Bristol, Fla., June 12, 1884.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I received the “Concordance” and the “Emphatic Diaglott” in good condition. Please accept many thanks. I would not be without them for twice the cost of them. It is a real blessing to be able to obtain books of such value at so small a price. By the help of the Concordance, the Diaglott and your own publications, “Food for Thinking Christians,” “The Tabernacle and its Teachings,” and the WATCH TOWER, the Bible seems almost like a new book.

I would like very much to see the April number of the TOWER for 1883, as I did not have the pleasure of reading your article on the Lord’s Supper. Two of us, myself and wife, took the bread and wine in remembrance of the death of our Saviour, but we missed the time, as we did not celebrate it until the evening of the 13th of April, “Easter Sunday”; but I hope the Lord will accept it, as in memory of Him who died for us. I remain yours, very truly, __________.


Graves Co., Ky., April 25, 1884.

DEAR BRO.:—Through a good brother I have been permitted to read three numbers of ZION’S WATCH TOWER. I am so much edified I cannot think of doing without it. I am nearly 55 years of age, and have been in the service of our blessed Master nearly 25 years, and through misfortune I am one of the Lord’s poor; but I rejoice that you have made me welcome to light and truth through the WATCH TOWER. I cannot pay you now, but will at my earliest convenience. Please send me right away ZION’S WATCH TOWER. I am praying for further knowledge of the truth, and it seems my prayer is about to be answered. I must have your valuable paper. I humbly pray God to bless your labors. Yours, in hope of immortality, __________.


Louisiana, June 19th, 1884.

DEAR BROTHER:—I have received a copy of the WATCH TOWER of October, 1883. If it can be had, I want the preceding number. … If still published, I desire to become a subscriber to the WATCH TOWER. Acquaintance with the paper through the number I have makes me long for all the back numbers, which I will order if they can be had. I thank God for the providence that has put the number I have into my hands. Yours fraternally, __________.


Pastor Baptist Church

Newark, N.J.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Accept of my heartfelt thanks for the “TOWER.” It is a most welcome guest in my family. Although poor in the things of this world, the blessed prospect of immortality, as taught in your paper, enables me much more cheerfully to “endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ.” I find the exposition of Scripture so clear and logical in the “TOWER,” that strong faith has taken the place of doubt and instability. May the Lord abundantly bless you in your work and labor of love, and may you be permitted for many years to continue in the blessed service of enlightening the minds of those who are groping in moral darkness. Yours affectionately, __________.


Antelope Co., Nebraska.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—It is with great joy that I write these lines. To say that my Saviour is blessing me is a poor way to express the joy and peace that he gives me, but I know of no other way. He is very near to me now, though the eyes of my flesh cannot behold him, but with the eyes of faith I can see him and hold sweet communion with him. I feel sure you understand this, but if I speak of this even to those who profess to know and love him they would think I was foolish and very peculiar. They keep trying to get me to

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join the church and be one with them, but I tell them I do not want any church or creed but the one church whose names are written in heaven. I have lent or given away all the books and papers you sent me. Some say they are very good, and others say they cannot understand them. One old man to whom I gave a Food for Thinking Christians says he cannot part with it, it is so good. He came over from Scotland about a year ago, and is about 87 years of age; his daughter says he will sit and read Food for hours. May the Lord bless this reading to his soul is my prayer. His daughter gave me fifty cents to send for the WATCH TOWER for him and herself. The other mite please add to the Tract Fund. I wish with all my heart it were a hundred dollars, but my Heavenly Father knows all about it. May the Lord continue to bless you and make you a blessing to others is my daily prayer for you and dear Sister Russell, for I never can tell you how much good the paper does me. I am looking forward to the time, which I hope will not be long, when, if we are faithful, we shall meet in our Father’s Kingdom, when we can tell one another of all the way the Saviour led us, and when we shall know one another even as we are known. Blessed thought to be ever with the Lord. Your sister, __________.


— July, 1884 —