R0568-7 Willing And Willing

::R0568 : page 7::


It is one thing to be willing to have the will of God be done and quite another TO WILL to have it done.

Christians everywhere pray “Thy will be done.” All Christians must acquiesce in his will and yield a ready and full submission to the will of God. But it is quite an advance from that passive submission TO WILL, with all the strength and power of our souls and the energy of our lives to do his will and see to it as much as in us lies, by all the effort of which we are capable that others also do his will. It is his will that all men come to the knowledge of the truth. It must also be our will, not only passively but we should by every means in our power, be constantly WILLING to bring about this glorious consummation. MRS. E. H. DAY.


— December, 1883 —