R0300-2 View From The “Tower”

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The work of the Lord still prospers—favorable and encouraging reports from all parts of the field. All the workers are well, etc., except our dear brother Sunderlin, who still suffers intense pain, confined to his bed.

The Lord provide for each of us the experiences he sees us to need, preparing us for the kingdom.

The letters keep pouring in from all parts of the U.S. and Great Britain, and give evidence that the Lord has been using the little books as His agent to awaken his children to fresh interest in His plans and work.

The letters average about 40 to 50 a day, and nearly all represent true hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for God’s goodness, in permitting them and us, to see so much of His grandly unfolding plan of love, for man’s salvation.

We wish all could read these letters, if we had more room we would frequently refresh you with others like the two which we publish in part below.

These letters have just come to hand and we cannot resist the desire to add to and refresh your joy and comfort, in the rough pathway to glory. The first is from a minister. We omit all names.


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November 8th, 1881.

MY DEAR SIR—Permit me though a stranger to assure you, that I can never feel sufficiently thankful that out of the thousands of copies of your book, “Food for Thinking Christians” distributed in this town—a copy fell into my hands: apparently it was the merest accident; but really I regard it as a direct providence. It has thrown light upon subjects which have perplexed me for years; and has made me feel more than ever, what a glorious book the Bible is, how worthy of our profoundest study. At the same time, I came from the study of your book with the conviction that a very large proportion of the Theology of our Churches and Schools, is the merest scraps of human notions, and that our huge systems of Theology upon the study of which, some of us have spent so many laborious years—only to be the worse confused and perplexed—are infinitely more the work of mistaken men, than the inspiration of the all-wise God.

However, I may differ from the book in a few minor details, I found the main argument to be resistless, commending itself to both my head and my heart. Again let me thank you on my own behalf, for the good I have received.

I find at the close of it, you make an offer to send copies to any who have reason to believe they can make a good use of them. In my church and congregation, there is a number of intelligent persons who are interested in the second coming, and who would be only too glad to read your book, I could distribute 60 or 70 copies with advantage, you say, “ask and ye shall receive”—I have faith in your generosity. Believe me to remain yours, Most faithfully __________.



November 22, 1881.

GENTLEMEN—Having read with the most profound interest your publication entitled; “Food for Thinking Christians,” and being fairly dazzled by the wonderful light it reveals on the great “subject,” I find myself thirsting for more knowledge from this seemingly inspired pen.

Therefore in accordance with the invitation extended by you on the cover of this little work I ask that you send me a few copies of “The Tabernacle and its Teachings,” if in print.

With reference to the first named book, permit me to say, that I have never yet read or heard anything equal to that little volume in its influence upon my heart and life; and to my mind, it answers most grandly and conclusively the great question, “Is life worth living.” Such views as it sets forth, are bound to find response in the minds and hearts of all unbiased thinking christians, for they bear the stamp of something greater than mere human conception. I only wish we could hear it from the pulpits; but I think this must shortly follow. It is good seed and in its “due time” will come forth. Believe me, I am

Very Truly Yours__________.


— December, 1881 —