R0294-7 Miscellaneous – The Jewish Chronicle

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::R0294 : page 7::

THE Jewish Chronicle says: “The prosperous Jews form but a small portion of our brethren. Those who are comfortable and content are comparatively few. These, perhaps, would be loth to leave their assured and luxurious homes to find a new country and a new civilization. But those who are oppressed and unhappy, long for the advantages which reconsolidated nationality would give them. Oppression and persecution has kept our people, as a body, alive and homogeneous. The more the Jew is downtrodden the more he clings to the faith of his fathers and its observances. Liberated, and anxious to compete, socially, with his fellow countrymen, he throws over the restrictions which are deeply respected by those whom he would conciliate by their abandonment, with the simple result of making himself appear contemptible and sycophantic. It is oppression, and not prosperity, which will lead us back to our proper place in the Holy Land.”


— October And November, 1881 —