R0202-8 Question

::R0202 : page 8::


Do you, Brother Russell, fully agree with the articles from Bro. Jones’ pen in last number?

Ans.—In the main, yes. Perhaps no two writers would express the same thoughts in exactly the same words, but the sentiments, etc., I endorse, as being in my judgment in harmony with the teachings of the Word. Let me guard you, however, against supposing that the change from natural to spiritual bodies will be either a gradual one, or one of which you might be in doubt. We shall be “changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” and it will be a radical change. No longer, natural, earthly, weak and corruptible, but powerful, spiritual, incorruptible, immortal—”like unto Christ’s glorious body;” though appearing (as seems to be taught in the types) for awhile to mankind in general, as though we had not been changed. When thus changed, we can see all others on the spiritual plane, the Lord, the prophets and resurrected saints and those similarly changed. The vail will be only to those on the natural plane. Therefore be not deceived into supposing either yourself or others changed until you can do as Jesus said everyone born of the Spirit can do, and as he did when he was born from the dead, viz.: Go and come like the wind, and no man know whence you came or whither you went. “So is every one that is born of the Spirit.” Jno. 3:6.

How beautifully clear it is that our change from natural to spiritual conditions is not the marriage but a preparation for it. The Bridegroom is since His resurrection a spiritual body, and how fittingly proper it would seem that the bride should be changed to the same image and nature before sharing the glory of power with him—the marriage.


Other questions and articles crowded out this month.


— January, 1881 —