R1592-318 Encouraging Words From Faithful Workers

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DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I know a word of greeting from me will be appreciated by you, and in love and fellowship of the truth I send it to you, and to the household of faith with you.

In these “perilous times,” when popular religion is pointing, in a great Religious Congress, to its many ways into fellowship with God, how thankful I am, and we all can be, that God has been pleased to reveal his Son to us, and that we know him as “the way, the truth and the life;” the “only name given among men whereby we must be saved.” Appreciating that all men attain their present measure of life through procreation from Adam, we also appreciate that re-generation is only in, or through Christ; and every man in his own order. “Their rock is not our Rock, even our enemies [opposers] themselves being judges.” And we know, too, that our building, built upon our Rock—Christ Jesus—shall stand in the present storm.

Lord increase our faith, that we may prove faithful to the end!

Yours under the Ransom, W. E. PAGE.


DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I am going to write a few lines, for I know you will be glad to learn how the work is progressing here. I started last week, after taking some lessons from Brother Rogers. I have adopted his method entirely, and think it is so good. Last week I took orders for one hundred and twenty-three DAWNS, and this week for eighty-nine, though not able to work full time.

I do enjoy the work so much, and have been wonderfully blessed in finding many interested ones. I must tell you of one family especially, who had read first volume of DAWN, and said they found it a feast of fat things. We had such a good talk—the lady and her husband and brother—and they were so thankful for my being led to them. They asked if we could have prayer before I left them; and they thanked God for sending his truth to them. They gave me an order for a full set, and I went forth rejoicing to have found some wheat. Two or three others I feel are going to appreciate the truth dearly. I can hardly keep from singing on the street: the “half was never told.” Pray for me, dear brother, that I may be faithful, and able to continue in this glorious harvest work. At present I am working in a Jewish part of the city, so you may know I see mostly Jews; but I search out those who will listen.

With kindest greeting to Sister Russell and yourself, God bless you both,

In our Redeemer, yours,



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I address you to let you know that I am still walking in the light. I have to report the truth growing here, and quite a number taking a stand for it. Although the “blind guides” are on the alert to hinder growth in grace

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and knowledge, I notice that those of their flocks that are heartily seeking after righteousness and truth generally get filled. The truth is having a wonderful influence over us here, and some of us are still striving to shape our affairs in order to spend and be spent more fully in the service of our blessed Master. As you know, I thought that my expectations would be realized long ere this, but I believe the word that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to the called according to his purpose,” and I am content to wait till the Lord shall open up the way. If I can not just now enter the general field, there is no cause for idleness; for I, together with them of like precious faith in this place, can grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We meet every Sunday for study and to talk over these good things, and I am sure that every meeting brings us into more heart union and oneness in Christ. We desire your prayers that we may be found faithful. Yours in Christ,



DEAR BROTHER:—I have been quite encouraged in my work here, by meeting two German brethren who are very zealous for the truth. Have also met two or three others that are becoming quite interested.

It seems that I have stirred up a little interest in the DAWN, as well as some opposition. I was much encouraged Saturday evening when a young man called at my room and told me that his mother had concluded to take the book. Before breakfast on Sunday morning I took a walk, and a lady on the opposite side of the street beckoned for me to come over, and told me she had concluded to take the book. About nine o’clock I went to the Post Office, where a gentleman asked me how I was succeeding, and said he had told his wife about the book, and she wanted it. I noticed in Wednesday’s paper an advertisement: “Wanted.—Agent of MILLENNIAL DAWN to call at__________soon as possible.” As a result I sold two sets in cloth binding.

I think our success as colporteurs depends largely on the spirit we manifest in presenting the book to the people. First we should be careful that our hearts are full of love for the truth, and then we should manifest a very earnest zeal in presenting it—in a quiet way avoiding all strife or combativeness, yet not refraining to speak against error when it is brought up. And I find that it is very important to impress upon their minds the fact that it is meat in due season; that we are living in the “time of the end;” when increase of light is specially due and important; that we are in the “last days” spoken of in the Word, when men are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; that wicked men are waxing worse and worse; that many are now becoming skeptics or being led into delusions such as Evolution, Christian Science, Spiritualism, etc., all of which deny the Ransom, the only foundation for salvation; and that the MILLENNIAL DAWN presents the truth so harmoniously and clearly that it ought to be in every family.

I am still doing fairly well: took eighteen orders to-day. Love to all. Remember me in your prayers. Yours in the Redeemer,



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Just a word to say we arrived back at our corner of the harvest field safe and well from the Convention. We have only begun to digest the many good things we heard while at the meeting, but truly it was good to be there and to meet so many of like precious faith. I hope and trust we shall still be kept humble and faithful, and be allowed to labor for the Master and his truth. I expect to begin the colporteuring again very soon. Find enclosed an order which kindly have filled. With much love to all, yours in Him, W. J. WEBB.


DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—You will please find enclosed One Dollar for renewal of WATCH TOWER subscription. I want to tell you for your encouragement and joy something of the good accomplished by the circulation of DAWN and TOWER in this place. A little company of eight believers meet as they have opportunity, to fellowship together in the precious truth now due to be understood. It is a source of joy to us all to realize as we do the nearness of the consummation of our joy. We thank God for using you as an instrument for the opening up of present truth, and we earnestly hope and pray he will keep you always right for service, “to the praise of his glory.” I might add that much opposition is manifesting itself, especially from the religious teachers. One of the Methodist

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ministers preached a special sermon against DAWN, in the course of which he said Christ would never come to earth again; and that Christ’s coming means the removal of every Christian at death. One sect had a good-sized circular printed, and distributed it broadcast at the market and over the city.

Knowing all this, we realize we are despised and rejected of men—for which we are thankful, because we are counted worthy thus to suffer with Christ.

Yours in love, T. A. IVEY.


DEAR BROTHER:—During the past week I have taken orders for nearly one hundred DAWNS. Would succeed much better, but for hard times; but I am thankful that I have done so well. I have met a few quite sincere people here, and gave a talk from the Chart of the Ages to a small number at the hotel. It was quite well received. Pray for me. In love, A. C. WISE.


DEAR MR. RUSSELL:—Enclosed find One Dollar for my TOWER this year.

Have been studying the truth, “through the light of MILLENNIAL DAWN” series and WATCH TOWER, for five years, and am as thoroughly convinced of the correctness of the views therein presented, as I am of the present wretched and undone condition of the world.

May the good work of sealing the saints go on. Yours in the truth,



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MY DEAR BROTHER:—Yours of recent date duly received, and again I thank you for your kindness in writing me. I have done more thinking on these matters since I read the TOWER, than ever in my life, and think with better understanding.

I like the Diaglott, which was duly received, very much, and think it will be a great help. I enjoy the TOWER also. Think perhaps my great difficulty is to let go of self and trust Christ more. Am sure I want to live pleasing to him; but the flesh seems to be weak. I do indeed feel that there is great indifference and carelessness in the nominal church, and apparently more zeal for keeping the form than the spirit, and have been somewhat inclined that way myself; not that I so wished, but it seems to be the natural tendency of the church now.

What spiritual idea can we get from the wonderful feats of the mind reader, Johnstone? I have witnessed his work, and know there is no humbug about it.

It brings more clearly to my mind how God reads our inmost souls. If that power works between man and man, it is but a little indication of the power of Him who knoweth all. I should be glad if you would write on this subject in the TOWER.

Trusting you will pray that I may be truly consecrated to God (I know this is my desire), I remain, very humbly yours,


REPLY. I am glad that you can say that you desire to be consecrated to God; for (with those who are accepting the Lord Jesus as their Redeemer) the desire, the will, is acceptable to God. What remains, then, for you to do is to make a definite contract with God: in the same way that you would complete a business contract. If you had a deed or agreement before you, and a strong desire to sign it, the desire would result in action. Without the desire to sign it, the document would be of no value;—the desire and the action are both necessary to complete it. So in your covenant with God: you have the desire; now take upon you its obligations; tell him of your desire and of your intention, by his grace, of carrying it out, and ask him to accept you and to direct you in such a course as will be pleasing to himself. Thus, having given yourself away, and having no will of your own, save as you have taken his for yours, you may have confidence of his acceptance and that he will perform his part of the covenant. “Faithful is he who has called you, who also will do it.”

About mind-reading: I think the achievements of mind readers are of great interest to us, as illustrating the possibilities of a perfect human being. Lightning calculators, snake charmers, horse tamers, mind readers, musical geniuses, etc., are all freaks of nature which permit us to see powers, all of which belong to the perfect man. I would not be surprised if, after the new age has been opened and the capabilities of mankind have become exercised, people could communicate with each other without speech, just as dogs and others of the lower animals now do; though each person will also possess the power of resistance and be able to secrete his thoughts if he choose.—EDITOR.


— October 15, 1893 —